If people were honest and loving, we would not need laws or remedies. Of course that has not been true of our reality in this world. The system is very corrupted and unjust. For that reason, many search for "ways" to overcome the fraud and cruelty of a system that honors deception and dictatorial attitudes that undermine natural rights and freedoms. Those "ways" are called remedies; and they do exist. However, they are not easy to apply; and even when they are applied, the system often ignores them. Is there a way out of this dilemma?
Oh, yeah, there is
a way out of this problem, if it's not Ashtar Sharon Himself(?), it's at least your honesty, to myself another symbol & a repetition of my relevant fact that, all, I must do, is to 'testify(!)' to being happy to become a tachyonist to be, maybe here online, an opportunity, I believe in,
'just in case,' so I can find out & so on, greetings, 'J.A.,' guitartie@yahoo.ie. You probably don't believe me, so I don't believe in any idea, whatsoever that I can hide that much from you, let alone from myself, unless The Corrupt are likely that They can get away with existing as Whatever Bunch of Total F. Face Idiots?!