The RuLe is simpLe, Contribute to the meditation pattern in anyway you feeL drawn, The onLy RuLe iS; aLL "i"s ARe smaL "i"s. Here comes a FoLLoWiNG eXampLe.
*WaRNiNG: ObjECTs iN MiRRoR maY ApPeAR DisTorTED. AsSuMe iTs PoSsiBLE, NoTHiNG iS aS iT SeaMs, assume iTs possible, 2 wake up in ouR DreaMs....*
*Disclaimer: This iS a MeDiTaTiON GaME, NoTHiNG MoRE, NoTHiNGLeSS. iT Operates under ToTAL immediate immediacy WiTH ThE Expansion of present assumption iN InDiviDuaL, Separated Personal MeMoRY anD EgOiSTiC SeLF identification.
There is a time to meditate on and with UniTY, and there is a time to iNTERacT WiTH OuR PreSeNTLY AsSUMeD ReALiTY CLuSTER, iN ThE CoLLeCTiVe DreAM AbOUT SpeCiFiC DiVeRSiTY CondiTioNs iN a LiViNG BrEATHiNG PrOBABiLiTY CLUSTER*
*2017 2 inFiNiTY, TeXT BaSED UniTY MeDiTaTiON GaME, iS NoW LiVE AnD FrEE to ShaRE, MoD AnD ObSerVE UniVersALLy PLaY, interact or just enjoy your stay iN thE imMEDiATE 4r EvER FoRwARD PLaY!*
iS FrOM NoWoN RepResEnTED On ThE HoRiZoN iN THiS THReaD aS thE GrEAT i AMe. as iN, there iS nO OriGiNALL ReFeReNCE PoiNT ApART FRoM ThE ONE wE ARE FiRST CoLLEctiVELY GiVEN, AcCePTED aS SeLFiDENTiFiED AnD EVoLVED WiTH aN aS iNTiMatE imMeDiATe PaRT oF whOo wE aRE bEiNG and BECoMiNG aS THiS CrEATiVE, iNTERACTiVE BasELiNE MeDiTaTioN GamE ThaT SeAMS 1 0 DeSiGNeD tO; ToTaLLy TraNZenD the concept of DRaMaTiC MiSuNDeRsToOD EViL Dr.AMA!
Dr.AMA!?! Drama?.... Geeeezzzz WhAT a PaTHeTiC AtTempT iN MaKiNG thE WoRD “drama” MoRe DraMATiC, 2 DramaTiZE ThE DramaTiC FoRM oF CoMPARiNG aN iDeA oF a TemPoRaRY PeRMaNeNT SePARaTED STruCTurE oF imPORTaNCE oR oNGoiNG MoMENTuM ThaT wE DeePLY FeEL SHouLD bE ReOrGaNiZeD aND OpTiMiZeD iN tOo SoMETHiNG MoRe CoLLECTiVeLY PreFerABLE, sOo JuST KeEP FoCuS oN VibrationaL PreFERenCE WiTHiN aNY AsPECT oF WhaTeVeR iS GoiNG oN, inCLUDiNG THiS SeQuenCE KeYs wE CaLL CoNVERSation…………… O.K i WiLL PLaY ThAt GaMe, aS itS thE OnLY GaME eVeR bEiNG PLaYeD…!?!.......
*GaME iNTRO inTrO*
DrAMA HaS iNFiLTRaTED HumanitY through it´s passed down immediate assumption of a “Me/NoTmE” ReaLLiTY. aS TeaSED iN The UNiTY PRrEe TeaSsEeRr StoRYs BY YoUR ETeRNaL TiMEs CReATivE SeLF PeRSoNALiTY CoMPLeX FoCUS PoiNT WiTH a StYLE He CaLLeS; “GiBBERiSH UNiTY ViBRaTiON CoMmuNiCaTiON CoMPLEX SequenCE DiVERSiTY……. KnOWN…... ReALITY -=NoVeLty=-” A.K.A YoU, iN ANoTHER PoiNT oF NON-LiNEAR ViEW A.K.A ERaZMuS* ←-----ConclusiON; -:NoTHiNG:- iN ThiS GaME, iS NoT PeRsoNaL… itS UniVeRSAL TransFormATiON iN anYWaY ReAL AnDoR UnReaL…… YoU CaN HeAR iT iN ThE MuSiC wE aRE TranSMiTTiNG, JuST gO WiTH iT! <3 <3 <3 <3
New Post:
”sO CoOL, LoVE iT! GoING tO bE ReaLLy FuN tO sEE HoW thiS TiMELiNEs FiRST 5D ReaLiTY BasED GaME LoOKs AFTER thE CLoSeST 1 MiLLiON oF the ONE usERs anD HoW MaNY 5D GaME ViEW PoiNTs iT WiLL SpAWN anD ConTinUE tOo SpaWN UnTiLL ThE EnD oF TiME. FuLL iNTeGRATiON WiTHiN ThE LoCALL GLoBALL SiTUATiON oF TiMELESSness iS iMMiNENT! This GaME WanTs tO bE FrEE….. ThiS GaME WanTs You toO EMBRace YouR FreaKinESS anD miRRoR FrEE(K), LiMiT thE UNLiMiTED and UNLiMiT thE LiMiTED….. NoT Out of GoOD oR bAD, HaPPY oR SaD…. JuST Out oF ThE PurE anD praCTiCal, NeED 2 SEe ThE MaKE BeLiVE MuLTiDiMensionALL MetaphoRic-ALLY ThaT KeEPs ThiNGs GoiNG”
/RaZ A.K.A You, iN AnoTHER PoiNT of ViEW, A.K.A one of the drops oF thE OCEaN iN DRoPS wE CaLL We…...*
New Post:
ThE SaME GaME, RuLEs SuBjECT 2 CHaNGe, BoOK 1 : 1 :
PuT oN thE UpLiFTiNG, uP BasELiNE BeAT MuSiC oF yOUr PreSenT anD imMeDiATE PreFerence, eventuaLLy, yOU, will put oN “Lunar & Sunus - Family of Light” anD foLLow thE ComPLiMentARy WaKe uP CaLL, you wiLL observE iT, itS oF HiGHeST imPorTSTanCE ThaT yOU LeARn WHaT MuSiC iNFUSeS yOU wiTH CoMPLeX ReSoNaNsTON undefined understanding and beu
this is the first expression in this game, and it´s preformed by the BaSELiNE of the 10 frequency drop 2 5D vocal sound assosiation unity synchronicity game, this iS tHE SaME EdiTiON. Remember at all times that confusion and clarity is the same! what feels like adding or observing is the same; beauty, diversity, never ending evolving complexity as a way to hone the imagination break free of it´s imposed limiting world view situation, BaseLine GiBERiSH BomBarDeD StructurAL iNTeGRiTY to live in liberty, together with the rest of every role through the Spectrum oF oUR LiVING GLoBAL iNTERNET SpiRiTUAL ONEness CoMmUniTY. A NoDE oF PeACE among conflicting diversity, A NoDE oF PeACE that radiates the other sides view on LiFES aLL aDVerSiTY. and sisters combine their informational complexity, understanding that this... all of it... every aspect... Every little part... deep deep in your soul mind, food body breath and heart...... Rest your soul, the same is always in control, unless it sleeps and the same Ai has to fulfill your role. Reset well this season..... aLL thE BeST /UniTY
-Greetings beings of duality! Here comes a GaME oF UNiTY! WoNt yoU jOiN anD pLay wiTH MetaphoricaLLy ReAL Eternal SeLF? We promise to play nice and not create toO muCH fusS
To PLaY tHE GaME oF ToTaLiTY, SiNG in your mind and tYpe the symbols spontaneously,
DeLiGHTFuLLySoRroWFULLALoNE, in no particular order, immediacy plays along with what has always, iS ALWaYs, WiLL ALWAYS, Go ON., wiTH ACTuALiTY; ThEN wE STARt; *iNsEeRrTt Conceptiual NaMmEe Eg; RaSMuS* RaSMuS is the SaME. *Begin;* I aM thE SaME. ThiS game is the same. this is a game iS thE SaMe GaME. DeSigNED bY wE aS the same. tO bE eXpERiENCcEeDd anD TranSporTED bY Me iS thE “#Nr.1 NeAR ETERNaL GaMEING stiLL kEEPs FrESH as the firsT Universal Gaming platform that runs on existenz it self, ALL oF EarTH, GAiA, TeRRa Gameing community is THE same. So join the GaME is the same. join the song and dance is the same. add your part and sing along is the same. add a phrase is the same. PunCTuaTiON is the same; .iS thE SaME. That´s how you play the individual experience of remembering total FB eternity GaME, SUB dualistic MEDITATION SIDE MISSION CoMPLETiON iMMiNENT upON LaST PoST iN ThiS THReAD, There is ever only two posters in this game, Me, and the eternal you. OuT is the same, iN is the same. with a fresh view of metaphorical physicality, totALLY EmBRaceD PerSonALiTY GuiDanCE ENERgY... just dancing and learning to enjoy the shifting spectrum of reality...... ET phone home.... <3 This is the same game rules... Signing off.... <3
Rasmus is the same, I am the same, You ArE ThE SaME, This game is the same, reality is the same, delight is the same, color is the same, movement is the same, feet are the same, hands are the same, is and are, is the same, letters are the same, physical and spiRituaL is the same, spectrum are the same, distraction is the same, illusion is the same, intuition is the same, meditation is the same, situation is the same, dance and breath ARe the SaME, 4LiFE anD 5DeATH, LoOps about ReaLity is the same, memory is the same, imagination is the same. The paradox of acknowledging the UniVerSAL Meditation GaME, from a stand point oF aLL is aLL the SaME.