Phil Rowen's picture


Published on Nov 25, 2012 by paradoxman316

Throughout the day, every day, I have learned to say: Thank you. From the miracle of how well my body serves me while living in a world that is so polluted and with so many distortions of Nature, to the miracle of physical manifestation all around me, I am aware of the wonder and beauty of life. I am thankful for all the amazing people that are part of my world: in cyberspace and in my local environs. While I often forget people's names, which is so embarrassing, I connect with lots of people as I attend various functions. I also take time to thank my new friends and subscribers, unless they deprive me by blocking that ability from me. While I also pay attention to things I'd like to see get better, big things in many cases, I realize that appreciating the little things helps a lot.