4-10-13 Bill Ballard ~ Attuning to the Purity of the Ever Increasing Vibrations

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Published on Apr 10, 2013

Since the Global Water Healing ceremonies Ginger and I did last week the energies have been ever increasing here in Florida. Along with those increasing energies from the crystal beds below here, the water tastes different and more electrified coming from the tap from our well where I am currently living. The water tastes like when you energize it yourself via focused LOVE, but that is the way it comes from the tap now.

Others are telling me they too were called to do water healing ceremonies at the same time we were. This is a global effort many of us are doing, and sending LOVE TO ALL WATER above, on and in Gaia. How wonderful the connections we each have when attuned to our higher dimensional states of being. Remember the ceremonies we did continues and is an ongoing connection and sending LOVE to the waters for healing and purification that anyone can join in and do from anywhere you are on Mother Earth.

My feelings of these incoming and expanding energies are to such a degree it is becoming difficult for me to relate to the world in the way we knew it and did it before. These past days it is a feat for me to carry on simple conversations, which are simply for the sake of communication with another. That old way of speaking as it requires some mental focus and thinking about the BS of small chat which I am moving away from more each day... No more crap chatting now... ha. Soon, telepathic communication of concepts will be more aligned with my being rather than the small talk we used to do... How pointless that old way seems to be becoming now.

My messages are now to hold the vibrations of these incoming frequencies and anchor them into Mother Earth. There will be many upheavals to society as we knew it, and coming very soon. It all MUST collapse to build new and soon step into New Earth. This collapse of the economy, banking system, governments and military is a must in order to completely awaken humanity to who they are, what has been going on and to build new. There must be a transition period, but hopefully that will not take long.... As it gets crazy, holding the new energies and peace, keeping balance is what many of us are being called to do now. Sending LOVE AND LIGHT to Humanity.

What GREAT times we are living in people! We have been waiting on the completion of duality a long long time... and it is unfolding now!