So as the individual flakes of the shaken snow globe of April settles, we are witnessing the rearranged dimensional layers of the density that each individual has and holds within his or her own field. It truly is no matter what layer any individual is on as EVERYONE IS GOING THROUGH ASCENSION. No one is left out.
For some, they may be more stubborn and need more lessons and some maybe intense, until they finally listen to their soul, learn to embody that soul, and live fully from the heart in 5D+, separating themselves from the old 3D ways of duality. Others in 4D will have their issues until they can learn they can never control and manipulate again... Karma is clearing...
and for those at the top of the snow globe.. WELL,,, Those at the bottom think of us in the higher levels as spiritual "Flakes"...
hahahahahaha Oh, Im Rolling in Laughter!
How True!