5-22-13 Bill Ballard ~ To Live Your Greatest Dream AS Your Life Is the Ultimate Experince

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S I go to post this video, I see the time parameter being 13:13:31 on 5-22-13.... How interesting those numbers are and especially with the topic I am discussing in this video of Living Your Dream Life.... Many persons work all their life to pay for their material stuff, with the concept that the person who dies with the most toys wins... I beg to differ on that subject as it is the person who has had the most majical experiences is the one who wins.

This morning I was told an old friend, well not so old passed at 57.... He spent his time worrying about not having enough, about his fears and about all those things the Illusion of the Matrix intends to lead us into... Even with our time together for years and so many discussions , the concepts I hold never seem to break through to him. As I look and remember, even my own father and mother spend their life working for that time of death, but in a material way rather than spiritual. And too, my own daughter is so much older than me.

To me, living your dream life to its fullest, never limiting yourself or your beliefs and creating the majic you so wish to experience is by far the best way to live life and set an example for others to follow. It is our thought and emotion which creates our individual lives. As a collective it is the same that creates our collective experience we have while here on Earth. Many of us know that in order to change Our Mother Earth we must change ourselves first... And then together we bring into manifestation the New Earth which is a product of our collective thought and emotions....

Fun Fun!