6-5-13 Bill Ballard ~ Responding to Ron Van Dyke ~ Geopolitical vs Spiritual Awakening

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Ron Van Dyke and I did a video together the other day which I will post in the "Show More" along with other information spoken of in this video. There are different levels of awakening going on currently with each individual here on Mother Earth. There is a GREAT DIFFERENCE between the Geopolitical and the Spiritual Awakenings... They are TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS!

Many persons in their geopolitical awakening feel they know what the spiritual awakening is all about... Unfortunately that is not so. The Geopolitical awakening leads into the Spiritual Awakening, and the Spiritual Awakening never ends... The spiritual awakening allows the individual access to the various dimensional levels of vibration which is also various levels of understanding of how the "System", which IS the Illusion, the Matrix works. It is all about energy. Everything IS energy... In the spiritual awakening it is about the individual's relationship to that energy, which allows him to more readily control that which he experiences in his life... and the crap can leave IF the individual so chooses to allow for bliss to unfold and be perpetual. IT IS A PERSONAL CHOICE!

The Spiritual Awakening and the realization that we are truly GREAT Creator Gods walking around in our Earth Suits and our reality is commanded by our thought and emotion, the energy we focus upon. That IS what New Earth IS All about... It is not somewhere else. It is right here and unfolding NOW! How do you think/feel that Fukushima or the Gulf Oil Spill both which are events that will alter humanity, and as Fukushima IS and EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT will be dealt with? Hmmmm.... Maybe we must change the way we think/feel as the collective of humanity? Hmmmm....

Could it be that we as the collective of humanity can and will change Earth with a single unified focused thought from all those on Earth? I have been stating this for years! To do so, we each must go through our spiritual awakening process and the realization of how the System, Illusion, Matrix works... It is created by our thoughts...
Now... we can choose to remain in the lower vibrations as individuals, but many of us are waking up and going, nope... I don't need the lower vibrational experience any longer and they choose to operate from their heart and go with the flow where spirit guides them, aka 5D... It is HERE AND NOW! Sooner or later all on Earth will be awakened to how it all works and we will indeed have a Dimensional Shift as a Collective, aka NEW EARTH... That is what is in all the prophecies and Holy Books and what this time is all about.. How long will that take? WELL, that depends on each individual within humanity and their choice to move into their spiritual awakening of how it all works...

Personally, I have all the time in the world now... I am fine in the 5D bliss I live in while walking in my Earth Suit about Earth... I'm not going anywhere until we shift Mother Earth... That's the mission. It is now up to the rest of humanity to get to that same point as individuals and join as the collective so we shall shift it all in a single thought... THAT IS WHERE WE ARE GOING!

Fastest way there? Get out of your head!

Bill Ballard

Ron and Bill's 1st video together that began this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSAg-_...

Ron's response to that video posted today which I am responding to in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6TY9a...

Lisa M Harrison posted this today from the quantum scientists who are saying what I have been stating for many years now... Here is a quote then the link to the posting: "Researchers think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have godlike power to create, alter, and shape things on Earth!" More can be read at this link: http://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/1456...
And Lisa's on post with this in full: http://networkedblogs.com/LSk5T

Bill Ballard's Ebook "The Great Awakening" published June 15, 2012 describing what the duality experiment and consciousness is all about. I discuss why we are here on Earth School and what the game is. Donations are accepted at the link given at the end of the book. Yes, I still use money Ron, but that is such a small part of my focus while here on Earth... I have found I ALWAYS have what I need... Never Fails while living in 5D...