7 Ways to Help Menopause Symptoms Naturally

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 12/29/2013

menopause 263x164 7 Ways to Help Menopause Symptoms Naturally

When a woman reaches her prime years, she may start to experience the symptoms that accompany great changes in her hormonal activity. During both perimenopause and menopause, a woman can undergo the decline of estrogen, as well as changes in progesterone and testosterone levels. This can lead to moodiness, cramping, a dampened libido, hot flashes, weight gain, and bloating, as well as copious other symptoms. Fortunately, women don’t need to rely on pharmaceutical drugs to help mitigate these significant changes in her hormones. Here are 7 great natural ways to help get through menopause with ease.


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The Gift of Your Estrogen Decline. Naturally speaking.

wendilea's picture

The best supplement you can give yourself in your mature years is the gift of your own sexuality. Explore with abandon, be creative and free. It is your time to truly love the woman that is you who gave so much to the world! Namaste!