It's 8/2/20012... Time for Disclosure! ha... Well sooo much talk about August 4 and landings. Personally as I stated in my previous video I dont think that will happen, although I say lets keep that intent that is flowing forth anyway. It needs to happen soon! Im really suprised that the last vid went viral like it did, but so many persons did not clearly hear the message I meant. Dont let these disclosure messages bring you out of your heart and into the illusion. Maintain your focus inside. Stay in your heart and amplify your light. Raise your frequencies and dont be attached to the outcome so many are building themselves up for in a few days. Be LOVE!
8/4 Landings
It's all BS! Of course it is not going to happen.
We Love You Bill :)
Hey Bill! My star sister & are I sitting here in the Canadian woods, in a really beautiful place.. and we just watched your video above (love your videos..) And I felt moved to tell you that we Love You and support you.. so sorry to hear about the other messages of distortion you received.. I feel you have a clear, steady, wonderful Light that just shines forth.. and you are offering the information from your stream in a very integral way.. I wanted to let you know that we see that, and we honour that, and on some paralell level of existance, we are having drinks on the Mother Ship right this minute!! ahhahh Seriously, we See you, we Recognize you and we're lovin' you up right now.. hope you fell it.. :)
Love & Cosmic Goodness from Canada,
Kathleen & Jackie