8-8 Infinity Portal of New Creation Energies

LuminanceRiver's picture

We prepare for the Lion's Gate or infinity portal which occurs on 8/8. On this day a stargate opens to allow a pouring of cosmic energy from source from the Great Central Sun, our solar sun, the Star Sirius, receiving at the Sphinx and The Great Pyramid of Giza which anchor this into earth, and we all receive New Light Codes from the Galactic Center which assist our individual and collective evolution for the next solar cycle. This Infinity 8:8 Portal Day initiates cities of light through soul groups coming together as pods, whether energetically, online or in person. In order for the cities of light to come about, those who are in alignment to anchor the fabrics of these cities and the new earth are called to gather in sacred unity. A vision received on 7/7 shows the Sirians placing seeds of diamonds into our third eyes for illumination and the receiving of templates of the cities of light on that day of the 8:8 also known as the Lion's Gate and connected to Sirius. The seeds are passed from third eye to third eye. Individuals merging together are given more authority to change the planet, so thus the focus this month is to prepare for the 8:8 with coming together, whether in person or online. We are called together in groups of two or more to: Meditate together and receive light codes for our shifting process which will prepare us for deeper transformation ahead such as the Full Blood Moon in Late September, also seen as pivotal. Meditation on our own, and together to receive direction as to the formation of the New Earth, and share our visions. To creatively express what is divinely inspired through each of us in relation to 8:8, the cities of light, and the New Earth, and the new creation energies including art. Lots of gatherings all over the planet of soul groups and individuals uniting multidimensionally in meditation and sacred space, from the heart. To have Divine Councils where we receive from source, and collaborate in planetary service for the highest good, specifically to bring through the fabrics, templates of the cities of light and anchor them onto earth. To learn and practice multidimensional connecting in small groups or pods on the way to these auspicious dates. To merge energetically with soul family, or those in resonance, exchange keys and codes, and activate one another within the natural evolution of our meditations. To receive visions of the cities of light, and the specific ones we are connected to so they may come into form. To dream of the new earth and how we wish it to be, and to share with others so we may co-create it. To be illuminated and supported in our divine purpose relating to creating the New Earth. To celebrate, raise our vibration, and share in the field of love and unity. To spread awareness about unity, the cities of light, and unity or Pod Consciousness. To create working groups of individuals devoted to these ideas and unity. To create webinars or calls in which we come together in larger group for the great work of the 144 coming together, and other configurations, for greater planetary activation of grids, for transformation of ourselves and the earth into the New Paradigm. A vision for an in person camping gathering on Mt.Shasta, as one of the gatherings on the planet. To support initiatives that people are doing, gatherings that already are being created as events, in support of these ideas as there is not competition with a drive to come together, and come together as equals where all can share their gifts and insights and energy and presence in unification. This invitation is an initiative for those who feel the resonance and calling of these words to step forward in co-creating gatherings, of two or more, which are seeds for the collective to move into the next level of initiation or phase in which the cities of light can come into form. Individuals are called to share, lead, initiate, envision, co-create with others. All is to tap into the potency of what the 8:8 Gateway has to offer, and allow a most potent effect within each of us, and for the planet. How would you like to gather and celebrate and co-create for the 8:8 and beyond? This is an open forum for sharing of ideas and from this I see people finding each other, spinning off and doing things all over the globe, lighting it up, as individual pods and also as a collective of strands of light, or Diamond Light Networks. This Event is a living library as that we are invited to post ideas, visions, and gatherings directed relating to the subject matter so we may co-create and come together, and an open invitation to those in resonance. You are invited to share this event far and widely. Facebook Event Page is here and I would love to see the Sound of the Heart Galactic family join and co-create with me and us all! Thank you, Shivrael Luminance River
