This is a subject that can go deep... Ha, Pun Intended! I have heard so many persons lately speaking of relationships and the changes as we are going through our individual ascension processes. Many of the women are discouraged at their male partners and wanting something far different than what we collectively have experienced. Sacred Sex is a totally new way of relationships and Im thankful I have had experiences of this with several different persons now. Nope, Im no hussy, but I am going to attempt to describe my experiences of Sacred Sex to share with you.. This is a touchy subject... Again, Pun Intended! ha! LOVE!
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press: Real Sacred sex is with the Twin Flame Only!!
love GFP!
I love gfp commentary! I haven't got to watch this vid, but I read the blurb & thought, hmm... interesting- noting that it said nothing of twin relationships, but seemed rather to be describing the earthly relationships which some of us still find ourselves in. Then I read the gfp commentary and felt such relief- b/c of course, I feel the same way! Ok, I'll watch the vid now, lol!
Thank you GFP for the comment.
It brought a sense of relief.
Sacred Sex
We could get more safe informacion in the book TREATISE OF SEXUAL ALCHEMY By Samael Aun Weor. Kalki Avatara, Buddha Maitreya of Aquarius Age.
It is a excelent source of information.
Good luck.
Must be pretty good, he's all
Must be pretty good, he's all giddy, lol
LOL Bill...
You look quite glowing and joyful. And I have experienced some of what you speak of in this video... BUT I know intuitively that it is not the same thing as being with my twin flame will be. I've been celibate since my son was conceived, and although I am longing, I only want my twin flame now. But - have fun - don't get anybody into trouble - lol, there is a certain responsibility that goes with "outside" (meaning non-twin-flame) relationships. Remembering the old song... guess which one... "if you break my heart..." Take care friend, you're playing with fire and it's difficult not to hurt someone along the way. Be scrupulously honest. But yes, it can be fun.
Blessings, Astreia
Wow Great Job Love
You said that very Well!! Well Done, Maybe we should make you an Editor Here once you are settled in your New Journey!!!! Just a Thought! All our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!
Thank you
Blessings, Astreia
Thank you Bill! I
Thank you Bill!
I experienced same and as I learned from my relationships to higher dimensional beings who are Archangels and Ascended Masters, love and sex are other than in 3D. In 5D and higher there is NO jealousy or possession of the partner. They share their love freely with all they like and that is not only the twin flame.
Twin Flame relationship is very special yes, but sacred sex is NOT reduced for this. In 5D ALL is sacred sex. I remember the last message of Lady Maria to Isabel Henn (here is the link to it: ) I read some time ago who referred to the same topic. My Twin Flame is in 12th dimension and I have a fulfilling loving sex life with him, but not alone with him. He encourages me to share my love with others also. And I do like he does it too. This is absolutely normal and only our churches and societies make it difficult for us with all their false techings. And I CAN'T agree with the GFP. Sacred sex is a sharing of unconditional love in its true meaning between two beings or more and it is totally equal if they are same sex or twin flames or if there are observers or more than two who share their love with each other. They LOVE and they give their wonderful love to everybody.
In love with all beings