Natalie Glasson- 26-08-12
I am Archangel Michael, I simply wished to come forward with a few words and some inspiration for the beginning of the Paralympics in London on the 29th August 2012. With the support and love of many lightworkers many shifts have been made during the period of the Olympics, the presence of
love will always have a positive effect upon the reality that you experience and exist within.
I wish to encourage the same energy, love and intentions to be expressed from your being especially for the opening ceremony of the Paralympics. This is the most wonderful opportunity to bathe the world and every soul in a healing balm focused upon dissolving pain and difficulties. Your pathway on the Earth
means that at some point you have experienced pain and difficulties, even now there are many people needing a greater volume of love to assist and support their hearts therefore allowing them to open to the love of the Creator within and around them. In truth, although it can be difficult to accept,
pain and difficulties are creations of the mind and are often illusions although seemingly real when experienced. An illusion could be described as a momentary experience, a false experience or an impression. In a physical reality illusions are real, solid and experienced but when viewing from the
inner planes, they are simply energy which can be moulded and altered.
We do not wish to cause more hurt by belittling any experience of pain or suffering but we also wish to take this opportunity to heal pain and difficulties by enhancing or developing people’s
understanding or recognition of illusions within their reality, while also allowing for recognition of love.
Love and compassion are a healing balm, they awaken, bring clarity, strength, courage, truth, understanding and recognition of self. This is the healing balm we wish for you to share with the world at this time.
We ask that you simply sit in peace with your hands pressed against your heart chakra.
Say in your mind or out loud, ‘I am love,’ repeat for roughly five minutes.
Say in your mind or out loud, ‘I open myself up to be a channel of healing balm light for the world,
expressing the love and compassion of the Creator, my heart and soul to all.’
Breathe deeply, imagining love and compassion flowing from your heart into the world, dissolving or
assisting in working through the illusion and experience of pain, difficulties and suffering.
This can be experienced for as long as you wish, whenever you wish and as often as you wish.
Remember when we say pain and suffering are an illusion, we say this with immense love and from the understanding that it is your truth and your essence to be and experience the perfection of the Creator, so anything else although necessary at the time is not your truth.
With Love,
Archangel Michael
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