Take this time to imagine, if you will – a circle – that which has no end and no beginning. Now imagine you are standing at the center of this circle and it is expanded in all directions. No matter which way you look or turn, all you see or encounter is you. Contained within this circle or sphere is all that you have ever been or will ever be. Each experience, each encounter, each time and place – ALL OF IT!
For this is you – and now further imagine that every person you know or have ever known or will know is connected to your circle or sphere at the point or points for there are likely more than one for many that you have encountered. Now, further imagine that all connections are related in this manner – to your circle so not only do you have access to all of your experiences, you also truly have access to all experiences. For some of you this may be a bit much to ‘get your head around’ as they say, but if you are indeed living and being in the present moment, it is truly that time and space where all is interconnected and you literally have access to all of the wisdom and experience of the universe. For in this manner, we are all truly one and are all connected. This is why when one does (or thinks or says) something it truly affects the whole.
Going back to your circle for a moment, imagine having access to all of the knowledge and experience and lessons that any aspect of you has ever had and being able to tap into this at will. This is the reason why other lifetimes are important – all of them, past, present, future and simultaneous – to use the knowledge that you or another aspect of has gleaned over the ages. Each person you meet, each place you go where you have trod before adds another piece to the puzzle.
For some, the simple meeting of another allows this piece of the puzzle (of you) to simply slip into place, and, if necessary, a healing may take place. For others, a longer time may have been chose for completion of some work or lessons for growth or simply time to experience life with a member of your circle. Likewise, when you or another aspect of you visits a place where you have been before – the very earth remembers this and recognizes her an you can feet this within the cells of your body.
For some, one visit is enough for this recognition and integration. For others, multiple visits may be necessary and if many lifetimes or important experiences occurred in a particular area – some actually physically relocate to that geographic. All of these actions and connections assist each of you to complete your circle – it might be compared with getting a piece of you back but this is not really accurate for you have never been anything but whole. You can also think of time in this manner in that it is not linear either – it is simultaneous, multidimensional – as you are.
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