Aboriginal Total Solar Eclipse PART 2 eye of the scorpion

Lia's picture

Total Solar Eclipse


eye of the scorpion

13  November 2012   
spiral eclipse


Riding over the eclipse bridge between collective reflection and self-absorption,  

the ethers are patterned with pulsing potential. - Jude Valentine



total eclipse

On Tuesday November 13, 2012 at 5:08pm EDT we will experience a Total Solar Eclipse at 22 degrees of Scorpio. During a Total Solar Eclipse, the Moon completely blots out the Sun. (The lights go out.) This eclipse occurs over Australia, and the Pacific Ocean. 


Hurricane Sandy and this Eclipse (which is paired with a partial lunar eclipse on Nov 28) are most certainly related. The center of Hurricane Sandy made landfall just south of Atlantic City, New Jersey at around 8 p.m. EDT on Monday October 29, 2012. There was a Full Moon in Taurus (Taurus Moon/ Scorpio Sun) at 3:49pm EDT that day. So, Hurricane Sandy's impact was amplified by the HIGH TIDE of the Full Moon, which added several feet to the surging tides of the storm. Details here: http://bit.ly/Qc0fGs


Eclipse effects begin weeks (some say months) before the actual eclipse. aboriginal spiralThe October 29Full Moon was, in particular, a running start into the November 13 TSE. We have stepped into the portal that brings the 2012 era to a close. The portal extends from October 23, 2012 to December 21, 2012 - 60 days. Click here and scroll down to the bottom of the email for a brief description of the Portal dates http://conta.cc/X6NsqG   


As mentioned above, this eclipse has a companion. Eclipses always occur in pairs (sometimes they show up as triplets, which we experienced in the summer of 2011). The bookend eclipse for the November 13, 2012 TSE will occur on November 28, 2012 and it will be a Partial Appulse Lunar Eclipse in Gemini (Gemini Moon/ Sagittarius Sun).


The path of totality for this eclipse will only be visible in parts of extreme northern Australia and the southern Pacific Ocean. A partial eclipse will be visible in most parts of eastern Australia and New Zealand. The umbra shadow of the eclipse first touches earth in Arnherm Land at the northeast corner of the Northern Territory. The Arnherm Region was declared an Aboriginal Reserve in 1931, one of Australia's largest reserves, known for its isolation and its people's strong traditions and art. The Yolngu people of the northeast are one of Australia's largest indigenous groups. (See Part 3 of this newsletter series for more information on the Aboriginal influence of this eclipse.)The city of Cairns is a good place to witness the total eclipse (not partial) as it is only 11 mi south of the center line. The eclipse shadow will sweep forward from there, with the instant of greatest eclipse occurring over the Pacific Ocean.


Animation of the Eclipse



Animation and Info on the Eclipse from Kurdstan Planetarium     




reference dates


Eclipses not only come in pairs, they also belong to 'families' - called Saros series. Looking at the series dates can give us reference points for contemplation. 


The Nov 13 Total Solar Eclipse over Australia is the 45th eclipse of Saros 133. The series began on 1219 Jul 13 with the first of 13 partial eclipses. There have been 25 Total Solar Eclipses in the series. The pathway of one of these total eclipses - on October 23, 1976 - also crossed over Australia. Saros Series 133 will produce 20 more total eclipses, then 7 partials, with the last on September 5, 2499. - NASA  


Note: The year 2499 is 487 years from now. That is two cycles of Pluto in Capricorn (Pluto is on a 248-year cycle). This is really significant when we think in terms of the changes we make now and how they will spiral outward into at some futuristic date when Pluto is in Capricorn again and we may be very much more enlightened as a species. 


For a backward reference of interest: In 1219, when Saros 133 originated, humanity was hot in the midst of crusading: Damietta, Egypt fell to the Crusaders after a siege. Saint Francis of Assisi introduced Catholicism into Egypt during the Fifth Crusade. And 24 Lithuanian dukes and nobles 'purportedly' signed a peace treaty with Halych-Volhynia, stating common cause against invading Christian Crusaders. - Wiki./ Lots of food for thought there that's for sure 


But the October 23, 1976 Total Solar Eclipse, as mentioned above, is especially important as it was in this same family and shadowed the same place on earth. Think back to that time. 1976 was one year before Chiron was discovered in 1977. And these dates are very close to the beginning of the last cycle of Saturn in Scorpio (so intimately related to this eclipse): 1982 - 1983. That time in our lives is most certainly up for review and transformation now. Think back to the themes of that time for clues. We have an opportunity to change things.  


hurricane sandy from space

the eye of hurricane sandy, from space 




eye of the scorpion


This eclipse is in the sign of Scorpio, the most mysterious, powerful, intense - and maligned - sign in the zodiac. Scorpio is polarized to the dark (unlike signs such as Leo and Sagittarius - sunny side up signs that are polarized to the light). We're still afraid of the dark and so when a powerful Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio shows up, we often struggle with the dark side of life, not familiar with the process of allowing the repressed power of our 'shadow' be processed, integrated and harnessed for good in the world. With both Saturn as well as the Point of Destiny (the North Node) in Scorpio now it is a good time to make some strides toward a healthy Scorpio expression. 


"Scorpius is a constellation in the southern hemisphere, located near the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Scorpius represents the scorpion that stung and killed Orion, the mythical hunter who boasted that he could kill any wild animal. The Earth sent the scorpion to kill Orion after hearing what he had said. The story was inspired by the fact that Orion slips under the horizon whenever Scorpius rises in the sky. Scorpius is depicted with its tail and sting poised in the air, ready to strike." http://bit.ly/Qc6UAz  


dschubba - eye of the scorpion Right off the bat we see the lower level of Scorpio in its original story. The higher level of Scorpio is The Phoenix which rises up from its own ashes, regenerated and resurrected in the fires of purification. Purifying the lower self is Scorpio's true aim. 


Scorpio the constellation has many stars within it, including Antares (the Heart of the Scorpion and a Royal Star). THE EYE OF THE SCORPION, known as Dschubba (Delta Scorpii) is a minor star compared to Antares. At the time of this eclipse, the planet Mercury will be conjunct Dschubba. Mercury will be moving very slowly backward since it stationed retrograde one week early. It will at Zero degrees of Sagittarius - reaching to pull our minds up from the dark crevices to the sunny plain of the archer. 


I am focusing on Dschubba even though it has a bad reputation (some call it the star of the psychopath. yup.) because I think this star and this eclipse hold some solutions for the *problem* of Scorpio (the unbridled expression of our worst tendencies as humans such as violence, anger, jealousy and other lower energy emotions). With Mercury's presence on this star at this eclipse, I think one possible way to handle Scorpio's polarized dark energy, is to polarize yourself to your Mind. YOUR HIGHER MIND.  


The reason I say this is because in esoteric astrology MERCURY is the highest ruler of Scorpio. In traditional astrology, the thought of Mercury being associated with Scorpio is odd. But it makes great sense once contemplate it, and - speaking as someone with a preponderance of Scorpio in my natal chart - working with Mercury in its highest form  has helped. I'm not talking about the LOWER MIND which is associated with the lower self. I'm talking about the HIGHER MIND which is the highest octave of Gemini (Mercury's sign) - the power of Reason, Right Thinking, Rational Intuition and alignment with the Divine Mind, the pathway to the Divine Will. 




lotus crown of power



The term eclipse is derived from the ancient Greek and is translated as: 'I cease to exist,' or 'I am absent.' It also can mean 'abandonment.' The little self (our small-personality-self identity) is driven underground, blotted out, extinguished. We are suddenly plunged into a state of abandonment from the things that make us feel secure. The lights go out.


The Sun represents daylight and our conscious identity or sense of self. (It is the vital part of our consciousness that is seeking higher expression in the form of answering the question 'Who Am I?' with the answer 'I Am the Divine Self.' The Moon represents the night-time, the subconscious mind and what might lurk there repressed. When the Moon completely covers the Sun in a Total Solar Eclipse, our conscious minds (the 'little' mind and its precarious shell of false identity) become nervous as our unconscious 'demons' become more exposed in territory where they are normally hidden from view. The ego shivers. And this, my friends, is totally Scorpio's territory


11 activation And here is where Scorpio's depth and power come in handy - for work just such as this. "Letting go of the 'little will' and surrendering to a Higher Will can be a beautiful transcendent experience. We can empty out many old and incoherent pieces of the psyche; the devouring and grasping, the drowning and the lost. At the same time the light swirls in electrically, without form, generator of blessings. There can be great relief in surrendering the need to keep up outward appearances for a show that does not reflect who we really are. This is a time when stripping away layers of pretension reveals a pure core (the Soul), freeing us to express ourselves more powerfully and love more generously." www.stariq.com


Dschubba means 'forehead' and marks the middle of the Scorpion's head. "This star has been referred to as the eye of the dragon, also associated with the Goddess Isis. In her book 'Starwalking', Page Bryant says this star's energy is helping to 'propel us into the next millennium.'" - Cayelin Castell


In the Aquarian Age we are striving for the mental clarity, brilliance and genius of The Higher Mind as expressed in both Gemini and Aquarius. I think Dschubba is a bridge for this process, and with Mercury - the Mind, The Third Eye - conjunct Dschubba under this eclipse, there can be a shift in our perception of these issues and perhaps relief from the lower aspects of Scorpio. 


"Dschubba was of importance in early times. It was claimed as the Light of the Hero, or the Tree of the Garden of Light, "placed in the midst of the abyss," and so reminding us of that other tree, the Tree of Life, in the midst of the Garden of Eden." http://bit.ly/Qc8Ys6 


Scorpio handled this way is The Lotus Crown of Power. There is quiet in the Eye of the Hurricane and also in the Eye of Divine Mind. Scorpio's triumph over the lower self is possible by shifting into the Higher Mind, a potential hidden within the Eye of the Scorpion. During an eclipse, the ego shivers - we might be empowered to break free of its grasp




No one can see beyond a choice they don't understand. - The Oracle, 'Matrix Revolutions' 



One way to work with this eclipse is to contemplate the energy of 'JUDGMENT'. In their book 'Starlight Elixirs and Cosmic Vibrational Healing' Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfield state that Dschubba (The Eye of the Scorpion, see above) brings up the theme of judgment, which then reveals the power of CHOICE:


"When you understand as much as you can about the nature of judgment and your connection to it, choice appears in your life almost coincidentally. You begin to attune to choice more, not necessarily understanding why. You may realize you have made a choice towards a path that requires judgment. For people who are attempting to rTransfigured elease judgment, understand and work with deeper levels of forgiveness and understand their ability to coexist with others, there comes a time in which the awareness is critical to their own moving forward. This is a very important time for most people and usually will occur in their lives a minimum of 3 times. Each time corresponds to a higher level of consciousness, a deeper awareness and acceptance of themselves, a deeper level of forgiveness of others in the world and forgiveness of God."  


I think this moment is one of those 3 times on a large scale. Under this eclipse we might be able to access this kind of transformation of how we judge and how we choose. 


Saturn went into the sign of Scorpio on October 3, 2012. (Click here to read my recent newsletter on Saturn in Scorpio http://conta.cc/X6NsqG) Saturn can have a harsh, judgmental quality to it, especially as it was expressed in the patriarchal era that is waning now. In addition, the Scorpion stings itself more than it stings any other animal, even its prey. Saturn's sometimes heavy presence accentuates the stinging self-judgement that Scorpio is known for - sometimes to the point of self-loathing.


But Saturn itself contains the cure, when we shift our perspective of it: Recently it was brought to my attention by my teacher Cayelin Castell (www.cayelincastell.com) that Saturn is a FEMININE planet. This simple awareness can really help us to ease up on self-loathing, if we consider Saturn in Scorpio as a feminine influence - a bit softer but still strong, a bit more nurturing but still a powerful teacher. In short, the conscious feminization of Saturn can take the sting out of our tendency to 'beat ourselves up'. We are amazing and we just don't give ourselves enough credit. You know what I mean?

Longstanding patterns that keep us stuck in self-judgment can be dislodged under the influence of a Total Solar Eclipse - especially if it is in Scorpio. Here is a story arc of November 2012 - especially of the time period of November 14 - November 27 which is that time known as the Time Between Eclipses. Here is how the process will work this month:  


"In a Solar Eclipse (for us right now it is on November 13, 2012) the emotional habits and patterns that have served us up to this point will be broken down and new ones will be demanded by circumstances. For the next couple of weeks, the egocentric, opportunistic, and emotional needs of the past, rear up from within. This gives us an opportunity to look at where the habits and actions of the past have brought us. After wallowing in this for a couple of weeks, there is a Lunar Eclipse (for us right now it is on November 28, 2012)- i.e. the Sun blocks the Moon - and our solar-spiritual vision returns. This can put us back on track. The emotional Lunar emphasis gives way to the reinstatement of the Solar Will and Purpose. The emotions, ego needs, and karmic forces that were aroused by the Solar Eclipse will slowly recede into the background. It is now possible to free yourself from the power of the Ego. It is important that you move forward and open to a new way of being." - Lynn Bell  


In Part 3 of this newsletter, we will explore SPIRAL consciousness, which continues to enhance this process of gently loving ourselves into letting go of our lower vibrational tendencies and embracing a higher consciousness of Divine Mind. 




spiral eclipse


The essence (of the cosmos) is a vast living body, of which we are parts.  

The sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins.  

The moon is a great gleaming nerve-center from which we quiver forever.  

- D.H. Lawrence



this newsletter was
written & created by
Carol Ann Ciocco

