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December 14, 2013   heartlightdg in General

“You act on your highest excitement every moment that you can, to the best of your ability, with absolutely zero assumption, expection or insistence on what the outcome should be.  That’s the formula.  You never know exactly why you are being attracted to the thing that excites you.  It may not be for the purpose of that particular presentation coming to fruition.  It may have just been to get you in a place you need to be.  So what actually needs to happen can more easily happen. Never assume you know where your excitement will lead you because the physical mind does not have the ability to know how something is actually going to happen.  Only the higher mind knows how. “  Bashar

Boom! as my friend is known for saying when he is hit between the eyes with a message that is meaningful to him.  This one is an aha that made my eyes widen and me go (with a forehead bonk), oooh right, I get it!  Duh!  That makes perfect sense to me!  That’s why things aren’t going the way we had planned or hoped or dreamt!  Yeah, I’m a little slow on the uptake sometimes.

All of our plans, one by one, from houses to specific locations to money, seem not to be going in the direction we aim for, yet I still have nothing but excitement about going to Panama.  For some reason that I do not know yet, but my Higher Self does, I am supposed to be there.  We shall see what that means since my physical brain does not yet know why.  Eloheim always tells us to “stay out of outcome” and Bashar reinforces this point emphatically.



