The ancient ET craft that have activated upon the recent arrival of the Galactic Federation fleet in the solar system are craft that have been left in dormant mode for centuries awaiting the arrival of official forces to become available as repositories of historical and intergalactic information that is important for the unfoldment of future developments on Earth.
The Galactic EarthStarNation
The GalacticEarthStarNation is inclusive of all starseeds and of visiting humans from other spacelife systems.
The GalacticEarthStarNation is the primary ascended spacelife system of the Avatar Intergalactic Ascending Human Civilizations System.
The Galactic EarthStarNation is the organizing and unifying ascended spacelife system that is managing the introduction and creation of ascended spacelife forces of ascended spacelife creation and civilization.
ESN and the Recently Activated Ancient Galactic Craft
These craft were designed to contribute to the advancement of life on Earth as an integral part of galactic life and its evolution. Their activation now is introducing their enormous galactic influence to Earth as Earth is opening to the galactic realms and realizing the ubiquitous presence of life.
While the Earth is unique as a biosphere, it is also a member of the galactic life realms that are aware of the value of Earth to their evolution.
The new additions these craft bring to Earth will integrate Earth into the galactic life system and allow for some exchange of life forces.
ESN is governing this activity.
-- This is the last parargraph of this longer article...
CONTACT 05 -Oona on the Arks (April 1 / 6pm EST)
This conversation between Oona and myself was received on march 29 2022. She speaks about the Arks left in our star system and a few other fascinating topics.
Galactic Federation and Space Arks
Former university professor in international relations, Dr. Michael Salla, is the author/editor of nine books dealing with exopolitics, ET groups, and secret space programs. In the first half, he shared details about the Galactic Federation, a cosmic organization that he believes is composed of various extraterrestrial races. As evidence, he cited the testimony of Prof. Haim Eshed, former head of Israel's Defense Ministry's space directorate, who specifically mentioned Earth's contact with the Galactic Federation. Eshed said that cooperative agreements had been worked out between the US government and the Federation, including involvement with an underground base on Mars. Salla also cited how some of the early contactees dating back to the 1950s, like George Van Tassel spoke about the Federation and Ashtar Command. Ultimately, the end game is for humanity to join the Galactic Federation for a kind of "Star Trek" future, Salla explained.
He noted the work of psychic researcher Dr. Andrija Puharich who teamed up with Uri Geller to establish contact with an ET organization known as the Council of Nine. According to the channeled information that Puharich, Geller, and others received, there were 24 different "seeder" ET races that helped to birth humanity, and they have been monitoring us ever since, including the Sirians and the Arcturians. Salla also shared information from one of his military sources who said he was recruited by the US Army because he was an ET contactee. "He was taken to one of the 'space arks' buried under the Atlantic ocean in the Bermuda Triangle area," Salla recounted, adding that a total of nine space arks are linked by space-time portals.