Active Volcano Captured in Stunning Photos

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Weather Channel  Camille Mann Published: May 17, 2013, 1:58 PM EDT


Commentary: Beauty can be found so readily in nature


Smoke erupts from Mt. Bromo, an active volcano, in East Java, Indonesia, in the summer of 2011. (Helmindia Ranford)

Moonset at Mt. Bromo, an active volcano, in East Java, Indonesia, in the summer of 2011. (Helmindia Ranford)

Smoke erupts from Mt. Bromo, an active volcano, in East Java, Indonesia, in the summer of 2011. (Helmindia Ranford)


Indonesian-born and Qatar-based photographer Helminadia Ranford captures Mother Nature in action with her breathtaking photos of Mt. Bromo, an active volcano in East Java, Indonesia, with smoke billowing out of its majestic peak.

After a failed attempt to photograph Mt. Rinjani on the Indonesian island of Lombok, and Mt. Bromo in 2010, she decided to visit Mt. Bromo again in the summer of 2011 and take photos from a lookout point on Mount Penanjakan – and the results were stunning.


To read the rest of this story and view more photos visit Weather Channel
