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Adama & Rosalia of TELOS

 19 February 2011  
Channeler: Erin Mackley

From my blog:
(See also website:

I've included two brief channelings in one post...The first I found interesting, because I have noticed that among the teachings from Telos, that there can be a tendency to reject all but one teacher.  The second, also I find refreshing =-)

Adama and Rosalia on Diversity

“It’s important to recognize the diversity of the Telosian family.  Each person who is a resident of Telos in some way, which they will feel through the vibration of their souls as true or not, has many distilled teachings geared toward bringing this Earth to awareness of light and truth.  There is no one better than the other in Telos and the truth is not merely anchored in one place so we will continue to pour out our hearts to all those who will listen, regardless of what person or group they have originally heard of us from.

There is no reason to be afraid of different teachings coming from the heart of Telos, as each person will share from his or her own perspective and when we are all united in ONE PURPOSE, then the need for different-sounding, or slightly different-feeling teachings will fall away.  That is a third dimensional concept…

If there is any doubt as to whether what you are hearing from anyone is true, simply ask yourself whether it resonates in your being as Truth, because the soul knows, in the heart, what’s best, and right, and wholesome energetically.  That is what we recommend you focus on, and let your heart guide you as to whether to pursue a certain grain of truth or not.

That is our lesson right now, and we love you very much.

In Light and Truth – Your brother and sister Adama and Rosalia.”

Adama talks about copyrighting of his words: 

“Hello, this is Adama, of Telos.  Regarding the comments made on my nature, I want to talk about the use of my name as a resource.  I will never condone putting a copyright on my name.  I want to encourage those who write with my energy to be free with their writings.  This will keep the vibration around my spirit pure, as my nature is free.  I like and encourage the free flow of ideas and notions and I don’t care who channels my voice as long as they are connecting to me sincerely.

So don’t put a copyright notice on my door, I won’t regard it.  I won’t look at it or give it my attention, because I don’t care.  In Telos, we do not copyright things!  Nor do we allow for the buying and selling of ideas.  What good can come of this anyway?

I am saying this in this blog, because we want to be free to communicate without worry over who originally said what.  In the Telosian energy, this does not happen.  And it is Telosian-like energy that we present, isn’t it?  So keep that in mind whenever you do channelings for me.  I want to preserve the integrity of Truth as it is being presented, without affixing a copyrighted name to it.  The Truth speaks for itself.

Thank you for listening.

The High Priest Adama”

[an addendum by Erin: "Not the High Priest Adama(TM)copyright2011allrightsreserved"]

~~Much Love and Bright Light (and some giggles)~~

Erin Mackley
