~ AdaptingToGrace ~ Eileen Meyer: Unwrap Presence – Celebrate Christ En Masse

Eddie1177's picture

Every Sunday I unwrap Presence. It’s my own invention of church. I speak out loud, honestly, to my Creator as I see, hear, feel, and absorb the stunning beauty of the Earth through the window. This is my magical intersection of the Father-Mother Presence. The glory and blessing that is birthed from this honesty space never ceases to amaze me. And that is because it’s a new Presence every time I sit and receive it. I never intend, ahead of time, to make this awareness and Presence happen, because truthfully I don’t remember that this even happens until it happens, spontaneously, again. Even now I am writing in an afterglow of this event – feeling the effects of the Presence – and I am always inspired to translate it, or communicate it, or point to it as something we are and deserve to receive. Then, like many of you, on Monday I jump back into the stream of predictable traffic, and return to work. Lately, it feels like the distance or chasm this creates is literally killing me, and us.

After being an employee (or slave) in the collective conditioning and mindset since the age of 15 to this day, and after the 40+ hours during the week, I am near or at a very real breaking point by Saturday. Nothing works from my past to help me cope, to forget about it or even transcend it. These existing attachments to spiritual ideas and methods or even substances to take in and help smooth things out are always temporary – and like alcohol, pain pills, sugar, food, games, or other numbing or entertaining distractions – do not even come close to helping me calm and balance. The panic remains that I am never going to “figure” out how to break through this huge conundrum of a greater awareness-embodied-frequency informing me that I am beautiful, glorious, abundant and perfect – just the way I am – and then the mental world constantly informing (pummeling) me with everything upside down and opposite that.

Nothing’s changed in the world – no matter how big we “spiritual folk” talk it up with the next big story and corresponding hero-characters to attach to… the ones that are coming on such and such a date, and will save us all very soon. And it matters not if the hero is called Christ or the Pleiadians or the elusive RV (monetary system ReValue), we’re still coming from the belief that we are not That Which is Powerful, Loving, Magnificent, and equal to the Value of our Creator. And this spoken from a lifetime contactee! Until we realize that we are THIS, we will forever be stuck in the slavery treadmill or standing at the podium – one upping the other guy with our profound insights into the best methodologies to create better human lives, a better world, and yes, a better revenue stream.

Okay, I said that nothing’s changed. Actually I have witnessed change in the world. I do see more of us are “waking up” and gathering in the foyer of the conundrum – a head-scratcher over how to cross the threshold from our repetitive and limited past to the absolute embodiment of Christ, or Soul. I do see growing numbers of us have awakened to a degree of acknowledging – out loud – that there is a conundrum, and that this simply can’t go on. So we all stand around for a spell, having a variety of discussions about how to change the existing world – with the release of suppressed knowledge, technology and piles of gold that “really does belong to everyone”… and the likes. Then we grow weary because talking about it just turns into more talking. Then comes the fear. After all, we have to get back to work… or the more acceptable word now, “fundraising” for our cause. We re-enter the en mass hypnosis, and fall back into speaking and living the language of fear and supporting each other to continue to repeat the limiting patterns we have in the past called life. Ah yes, life… with it’s inherent coping mechanisms and rationalizations that we’re all doing the best we can until someone else shows up, hands us our gold, and changes the world. It’s just the way it is, right?

Yes, that’s right, but only if you want to continue pretending that you are worthless and small and powerless to change this within your own consciousness. I don’t know why, but the Presence came to me throughout my life. I opened it and recognized it as the greatest gift one can ever receive… and accept… the gift of KNOWING – in our blood, bones, DNA and Eternal Heart – our ABSOLUTE unlimited nature and value.

The Presence also gifted me with ways to translate it and share it with others, so they could feel it directly too. Once felt, these frequencies activate and provide a marker within our physical bodies, so that we may return to it, or recall it in the present when we are feeling ill or out of balance. This new work and service came with so much joy and excitement – until I sat down and tried to figure out how to share it. What existing model or delivery system would work? What method would even be visible to others? How would people who have not had the heart-activating, mind-expanding/illness/crisis events in life experience vibrational messages? When I would write down the lyrics and music that flowed to me from the Presence, or translate the frequency of this joy into language, and then share it in public, I noticed that many people – when unwrapping Presence – have expectations about what should be inside – something recognizable with their existing eyes and ears; something they saw on TV or heard about from a Zen master at an expensive retreat. I noticed that some people, who were unable to directly feel/perceive the Presence, would get disappointed with me in an “unwrapping” session because – in the end – they would see nothing inside their little gift box. There is always going to be disappointment when you are expecting the word “gift” and Presence to come in the form of a mental idea of “enlightenment”, or an X-Box, new car, an iPhone or any other entertainment delivery system. Don’t get me wrong, I love tech and tools, but they are not in my life to “fill me in” and provide a sense of wholeness.

 Mathew 13: 15-16
15 For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

It is never going to change – here in the world – with what we have always known from the past and perceived with our worldly eyes and ears. Get that, and keep showing up with me at the invisible doorway of our individual and collective conundrums. Be willing to feel and perceive frequency and vibration as our new/real language. Then speak honestly to yourself, and to each other, and we will create a vibrational Presence that we can unwrap and truly see, feel, hear, KNOW within, and together (en masse) celebrate the glory and grace of who we ACTUALLY are – on Earth.

This is when we might notice that the doorway at this intersection of all past and future conundrums appeared and opened simultaneously. This is where we unwrap the Presence of Christ-Soul en Masse and be reborn into the Truth of our Being. And this is where we cross the threshold into full remembrance and awareness of our true Universal Identity – not just the hero story of the Jesus guy way back when – but now, in the present moment story of humanity.

I ask you, do we really want to celebrate another silly, smaller representation of Christmas or other symbolic holidays – unwrapping and rewrapping the temporary presents from the existing world? Or do we want to celebrate Christ en Masse, because individually and collectively we choose to unwrap and stream our Eternal Universal Value and Presence on Earth… right now? Tell me, honestly.

Dedicated to my fellow lightworkers who stand at the threshold with me.
EM Meyer 12/08/13

www.adaptingtograce.com / link to original article




Alanry's picture

Love your article Mr. Meyer I stand with you in your yearning knocking on that door, but somehow it doesn't quite open or it does only a wee bit and for a moment then it closes again and when it's closed I suffer and kind of panic and wonder when and if and how it cane ever open again more fully and completely.

  I think the moot point is How?!!!   It occured to me a long time ago that religions were in a way , no not just control mechanisms at all though they have been used that way - but oft they were attempts like on Sundays / sabbath or whenever in your part of the world - for the muslims it's Friday - to recreate Eden,  paradise.  You didn't have to work you hung out with friends and family dressed in your finest supped and prayed and sung and danced in the evening or read the good book by the fireside. That was how generations lived and survived maybe so they had that one day however harsh and unpalatable and dark life was outside they had that one day in mini heaven.  In the Middle Ages before industrial servitude they had a whole lot more - they had about 100 'holy' days a year !!!

          Now we are in the maw of commerce,  the machine many folk don't hold sabbath , no church or temple just another day in the mall, many people even work that day...we are more and more in the dragon's maw so no wonder we cry for Help because we do need help.  How on earth can humans do it on their own?  not even J could end the Roman oppression of Jerusalem and much to Judas' s eternal disappointmemt no doubt. We are all Judas in a way dissatisfied with God, our messiahs, and masters, and with the seemingly ineffectual strength and power of our own spirits to really make a difference.  Do you know the sign for me the Event has really come ?  When the world will not be slaved to money no more; there will be no more brutal unimaginably rich elite and the rest of us serfs - then and then only will the people be free,
