The Alchemistry of the New Earth: Headed Towards Zero Point and the Eye of God

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We have reached a passage on Earth of great intensity and excitement. The alchemical concoction of the New Earth is now pouring out into the physical plane of our lives and the matter of Earth with great speed now. The elements have been mixed, the impurities identified, the change agents called in, the filtration system at its peak operation, and the new alchemical mixture for life has successfully been released. What I’m getting at is this: not only is there no turning back to the old Earth ways, the New Earth ways have fully been installed and are operationally!

While the New Earth elixir takes hold, the tensions and nervous energies of the old Earth are more than palpable. This is a very natural process. As the New Earth chemistry is moving into the physical, lower dimensions of Earth, old Earth foundations become very unsettled. Energetically, the old Earth foundations cannot coincide with the newly laid chemistry of pure light and love. So until the “settling agent” comes in, we may continue to experience personally and globally a lot of bizarre and disruptive events. Fortunately, there is a very powerful foundation that has been laid and does work now. The New Earth elixir of life can be experienced with full embodiment know if we know that it is here and what it requires. Primarily, we are required to stay in our hearts, no matter what, and to allow the Light of God in our hearts to show us the truth of all situations.

So now for the enormous updates of only a mere few weeks. Just what is this New Earth elixir made of?

About two weeks ago, an important system for the New Earth came online, the New Earth Grid circuitry. This resulted in a Blue Ray awakening en-masse (not so pretty for all Blue Rays, who some have been jolted into their “awakening”). The Blue Rays were the first point of human contact for the New Earth Grid. It is through them that the New Earth Grid circuitry is now connecting into humanity, upgrading our nervous systems into a functioning, whole system that operates with the light of the stars. Stellar light as a blueish, cool and platinum light is a strong protective energy as well as the basis of our new nervous system. With this new circuitry lighting up, there is now an expanded light structure in the Earth’s grid to receive the Heavenly Father light. It is through the evolution of Archangel Michael that I witnessed this incoming light structure. Michael’s New Earth function being one of protection but not from lower energies as in the old Earth but as a function of creating structure and foundation for the Mother Light of Creation to unfold in perfect Grace and Harmony. As Mother Earth continues to build her Hummingbird Body so that she can be fueled by the Nectar of the Mother, the protector energy is growing (the Heavenly Father). When fully saturated into the New Earth, the Nectar of the Mother and the Heavenly Father light will conjoin activating the Twin Flame energy of the Earth. This will also reverberate throughout humanity’s hearts, awakening the Twin Flame of the Heart, a super intelligence of the synergy of the divine masculine and feminine energies within and in relationships of all kinds.

As the Great Mother and Father supports for new life are coming in, we are still reeling in some powerful purification from the past. The Hurricane Sandy that struck the East Coast of the U.S. is one example of this purification. There have been many environmental traumas we have experienced that ramped up our fearful states and separation from oneness. From Atlantis to the Deluge of Mesopotamia, to the more recent Katrina and devastating earthquakes and tsunamis, the very water in our cells remembers these experiences. The potential now is to heal the traumas from the past and to re-align with the elementals. We are at a stage now where it’s the water consciousness of our planet that is seeking deep healing. At the same time, the new water of the New Earth is coming through the inter-chambers of the Time-Space Matrix and meeting with the old waters. Again, this is the process of the New Earth elixir meeting with the old and chemical and energetic tensions working towards harmony. One of the reasons I have been guided to make healing elixirs from water is so we have a vehicle to introduce, with ease and comfort, the New Earth chemistry into our old Earth bodies. There is a growing theme to the essence making from which I can see our quickly accelerating evolution. The first few are meant to rearrange the biology and chemistry of our bodies, the next set are to embody the full Unified Heart intelligence and a final set will awaken the tribe of Angelic Humans and usher in the Angelic Earth. It sounds like a lot but in truth this is all being timed to unfold in a short amount of time coinciding with the end of 2012.

An important development in our evolution is humanity and earth coming into realignment with the Eye of God. As Earth makes her dance towards the Galactic Center we will find ourselves and all of our social, economic and environmental foundations realigning with the Zero Point, the Center of all centers. This is being expressed to me as the Eye of God realignment. One of the realignments going on at this moment is our monetary system. As I wrote about in my last blog The Gold at the End of the Rainbow, the foundation for the Bounty of the New Earth has been laid. In this last week, the Dispensation of the New Money Matrix entered into the Earth plane. Those that have decided to co-create to increase love, joy, beauty and radiance are receiving this dispensation now. The realignment came through a possibility that opened up at the Great Pyramid, a keeper of the Eye of God power on the planet. As this power has been used in a distorted fashion for thousands of years, it required a certain degree of light embodiment through the Rose Merkaba field of the Earth and Humanity before this possibility became visible. It is now here and has been dispensed to the a first wave of co-creators. The richness that they will create will quickly multiple opening up more circles of abundance and reciprocity among co-creators.

Since the Venus Transit in June, the elixir of the New Earth has been revealing her secrets. If you’ve been following this blog since then you know about these miracles. But to summarize a few of the highlights, the physical Earth awakening has seen the new elemental light bodies arrive, the Cosmic-Earth Rose energies descend, the activation of the Rose Merkaba field, the expansion of the Rainbow Bridge and the Rainbow Light Body to the Earth Plane, the transmutation of Gold into White Gold as the core Earth element for richness, and now the Blue Ray-Earth Grid Circuitry powering up to receive the Heavenly Father and soon the Angelic Earth as we become the Angelic Humans of our Future Selves.

While the mixing of the new with the old elixir of Earth will certainly lead to a few more upheavals, I leave you with this encouraging vision. A few days ago, through the co-creation of a healing session with a new client, I was lead to a high mountain in Nepal. There was a post there with tattered prayer flags. I asked what were we to do, I heard, “Move the post!” An eagle arrived and with post in hand we flew to the Andes Mountains and placed the post atop the highest peak. Then, an amazing swirling energy field of light pinks, soft blues, yellows, lavenders..came in sideways realigning to the new placement of the post. I asked, “What is this?” And I heard, “It’s the Ascension!” I realized then that we had been charged with moving the Earth’s Kundalini Point so that the Ascension Field could come into Earth’s upper atmosphere and locate its new location. I then joined with the elementals and we made it snow. The softest, lightest, gentlest Snow of Peace began to fall across the lands of South and North America. With the Snow of Peace are the spirit beings of all the white animals, the white lions, the white peacocks, the white doves, the white tigers, the white wolves… They began to traverse the Earth spreading the Snow of Peace. The quiet felt after a big snow overtook the planet and our pure divinity was all we could see.

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