Alert pole shift news ground breaking news alert.

Lia's picture

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ For Your Awareness!



It is conclusive, ireputable, forgone conclusion, the north pole is not as that ass hole Alex Jones states in Siberia, and will not be according to the data for another 8 yrs. We are at or gone past 0 degrees or prime meridien or if you like 20 degrees or 1200 miles or half way point in this pole shift, and according to the trends dating back to 1860 whereby the north pole took up its anchor and started its journey across the northern hemisphere, as it broke loose it gradually began to pick up momentum, and we are talking an enormous, super large inursia, and gradually as it has progressed through the late 1800's to the late 1900's and hereby the new millenium up until 2012 doubled and tripled its speed, this my friends is the truth, you know throughout this utube researcher, myself as you have followed me through the ups and downs, the ins and outs, the wrongs and rights, here today we have landed our feet on cast iron foundations, solid facts, now with the help of others from around the world unassisted by NASA, CERN, and other official scientific bodies, we now know within an accuracy of 70 miles the true and current location of the magnetic north pole, we also know that it has increased along its line of trajectory in speed, as the graphs show. Ladies and Gentleman, friends and brothers we are 8 yrs out of a real magnetic reversal of the earths polarity, we are less than a 1000 miles away from this happening, and it is to my understanding we are approaching that destination of the all important 40 degrees at a rate of 145 miles per yr, join me as we explore the effects in which we encounter today and through the coming months on this expidition that i have encountered and welcomed you as my fellow human beings to join in with me. The only thing i have to say is that before us is unchartered territory, unchartered territory into the storm and i applaud you as i am unsure to what is to forcome us in this storm and i urge you from this day take precautions take counter measures and prepare, and you know what i mean because i have said it over and over again, food, water, shelter. Guys we have surpassed the honey moon it appears we are over the half way point anything can happen here on out, take nothing for granted and be ready, if anything be ready for your families needs, there are stranger things occuring as of now than you can possibly imagine, and it is these things our quest in truth and understanding that we aim for. Best Gene


This was to confirm of what

nbakay's picture

This was to confirm of what Tolec of the was saying that Earth will have a pole shift and its rotational orientation will be north/south instead of east/west rotation. I quote.

2012 - 2013

The saturation of this higher frequency vibration will continue from the end of 2011, through all of 2012, reaching full strength during the time of December 21, 2012 - which will bring a completely new, even higher level frequency vibration - such that the experience & measurement of time as the people of Earth have known it... will begin to go away.   It will continue to go away and perpetually diminish throughout all of 2013.


These vibrational changes, and continued geophysical changes, earthquakes, volcanoes going off, wave events, these will all continue to happen throughout the last months of 2012, into March 2013 [and beyond] when the final rotation of the 90 degree shift of Earth's crust happens with the present day East/West orientation of the continents moving into their new North/South orientation. 


There is also expected to be a magnetic pole shift, a reversal, during this time, but will likely not cause any problems for the people of Earth. There is of course likely to be a temporary period of adjustment of Earth's electrical systems, but this is only expected to last a few hours time.  It will not be problematic.  If there are any  difficulties at all, the biospheres of the Andromeda Council stand ready to help and will help.


The 23.5 degree off-axis tilt of the Earth that presently exists should be corrected as well, and will be no longer.  This will mean a much more temperate climate for planet Earth overall.  Think of the whole planet as having a climate much like that of the Mediterranean region.


Yes, planet Earth will likely go through continued dramatic changes to get to this new higher vibrational existence.  And these events as life changing they will be to both humans and all life on the planet... these changes are normal and necessary for this process.   It  is  transformation.   It is evolution. 


During this overall time every living thing from the largest to the smallest will be offered the opportunity to change, to evolve, into 4D, fourth dimensional, life.


Just  like  a  woman's  body  changes, adjusts & expands,  Earth too must go through her uncomfortable adjustments, her labor pains, and the momentary intense pain of child birth. her Earth  too  must  adjust  &  prepare  herself  for  this  new beginning, for her new life as a 4th density world... a far more  colorful,  vibrant, &  beautiful  4th  dimensional  world.


These earth changes are expected to settle down throughout remaining later part of 2013, and will begin the completion of this cycle by the end of October, winding down in December 2013.