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Allow all consciousness to come forth without reservation.  Know that within each breath is the all-love of the creator.  Within each heartbeat lies the essence of all life and ALL. We are all ONE -- heard so many times by so many, yet with little understanding by the human mind.  Allow in this time simple reception of the light and newer frequencies.  Do not falter in your willingness to allow all to imbue you with devotion.  There is nothing to fear - we are each held in the hand of the DIVINE; we are each surrounded by beings of pure light - beings who whisper encouragement. "Just breath.  You are on the path of enlightenment.  Allow, allow, allow. . .Blessed Ones -- It is time to awaken to your eternal divinity and essential beauty.  You have decided to come here as sparks of light, embodying divine love in each atom of your cellular structure.  Breathe.  Allow."