Amato Ratzinger... [Beloved Ratzinger...]
By Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Andrea Sartori
My Beloved Ratzinger,
yes, I know, you still don't want to come Home.
I understand.
You just spent so much out there, playing, that even the slightest concept of time got missing while you were playing. You got lost, and when this happens sometimes one gets so exited that he completely forgets Who He IS.
However, my Beloved, the dawn is approaching and the night will be dark and cold out there. So please my Dear do come Home and embrace your Mother who's waiting for You.
Dinner is ready and it has been done for You with my loving hands, so that you can be nourished after such a long journey.
Yes, I Know... there are things you're ashamed of. You hurt yourself by not paying attention and you've stolen some of the Neighbor's Son toys, because you thought they were better than those You already Have.
But no, my Beloved One, I will not get angry with you. You know, I can't.
And I also know so many out there are angry with you, hate you, fear you... thus, my Dear, do not fear me.
Your bed is ready to rest you from this long long journey as soon as you had your first Real Nourishing meal, and Tomorrow... well, Tomorrow will be a New Day, and in the Light of the Sun you'll be able to See everything in a different way.
Because you see My Son, even if you hide, even if you try to hide from YourSelf... you cannot run away from That You Are...
How do I know?
Because I Am You. And I know. And I know because I Am Love.
Thank You my Dear. Tank you for Seeing Me.
Now do rest, sleep, and when You'll Open Your Eyes you'll see the Life You Always Looked for.
[original Italian post...]
:) <3
That is so beautiful and such a wonderful reminder that we are all loved no matter what parts we play in this game. one love! its just like in the dark crystal where the skexies and the wise ones seem seperate but are actually one and come together in the end in love and light! we (the gelflings :p) are making it happen with our love and teamwork and fearlessness!