Yes, this video is old. Thus, our intend is to spread the Truth, and as such it does not become less real if it's shown in a 2009 video.
I still say: Yeehaww!
Love You
Yes, this video is old. Thus, our intend is to spread the Truth, and as such it does not become less real if it's shown in a 2009 video.
I still say: Yeehaww!
Love You
Warm & Cozy...
Awwwww... I Needed THAT... """ YEE-HAWWww """
And... "I Thank YOU"
((( Hugzzzzzz )))
See YA's IN A "BIT"..... ! :-D
In dilemma ..
Hi !
2 days back I saw a cloud with a typical UFO shape. Although I never have yet seen a UFO, I strogly felt that it was a spaceship cloud as shown in many photographs published here. Could it be one? And why still I don't feel 'connected' with the light beings even after so much thinking and waiting?
You are connected.
What you felt is your Connection. And if you Felt it, that is what it was. That is how Connection works.