Ancient Mayan Pyramid Bulldozed in Belize

Rain's picture - Patrick E. Jones, Mark Stevenson, 5/14/13, Associated Press

A backhoe claws away at the sloping sides of the Nohmul complex, one of Belize's largest Mayan pyramids on May 10, 2013 in northern Belize. A construction company has essentially destroyed one of Belize's largest Mayan pyramids with backhoes and bulldozers to extract crushed rock for a road-building project. AP Photo/Jaime Awe


BELIZE CITY – A construction company has essentially destroyed one of Belize's largest Mayan pyramids with backhoes and bulldozers to extract crushed rock for a road-building project.

The head of the Belize Institute of Archaeology, Jaime Awe, said Monday that the destruction at the Nohmul complex in northern Belize was detected late last week. The ceremonial center dates back at least 2,300 years and is the most important site in northern Belize, near the border with Mexico.



