~ And the Reports are Flying IN!!!~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Happy Christmas Eve and out of the wobble! We have many Exciting Moments Ahead of Us for those Who are Ready to Begin Co~ Creating the New Earth! The Energies Will Continue to Intensify to Support us is this Grand Adventure! The Reports are coming In of many who are experincing intense Visions which are Supporting them in their Awakening and Ascension Process's as well as the Support of the New Earth!!! This will Take All of Us. We Love You, Love The Earth Allies.

PS. You can Join us at 10:30am Pacific for an Important Meeting about December 21st and Christmas Love Party. You can Join us at this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart

MEN IN BLACK - Full Russian Documentary With English Subtitle


On Friday, December 7, the current Russian Prime Minister and former President, Dmitry Medvedev, made some startling off-air comments to reporters while his microphone was still switched on. He was asked whether the President is given any secret files on extraterrestrials while in office. In his responses, Medvedev not only confided that extraterrestrials are visiting the Earth, but that some are actually living among us. He went even further to say that the Russian documentary, "Secrets about Men in Black", could give you more details about this issue.


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~ An Important Message from The Earth Allies~ What has Happened? and What is Next?


The Galactic Alignment Accomplishment!


~Spirit Consciousness has Awakened on Planet Earth=Heart and Therefore, Love is Everywhere, Within and Everywhere, this includes Humanity. This has occurred with Awareness or without it, either way its a done deal!


This was an inevitable event, which was Originally Called forth from Mother Earth=Heart, and Her Ascension Home into the Light. All of Humanity is here for the JOY RIDE, But They Will Have To Be Full Participants!! Love Serves Those who Serve Love. The Level of Your Consciousness is what You will be Experiencing. For those who have done the work, You are experiencing the Joy of True Ascension and this Grand New Experience will Continue for You. If you are hanging onto any aspects of the old paradigm, Love is pushing these all up to the surface. Embrace, Accept and if you hold on, watch out as its going to get tougher and tougher in these Increased Energies.



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Sophia Love ~ WTF? ~ 23 December 2012



With 3D eyes, December 21, 2012 looked like this:  from 4:45AM until well past midnight I sat, danced, walked or sang in meditation.  There were hours of solitude, some spent in a darkened room, and others in a sunlit room.  Tears were shed in deep grief.  Anger and confusion emerged.  Parts of it aren’t remembered. I slept on and off.

With 5D awareness there was a corridor of golden light beams, sparkling showers of light, with wave after wave of pulsing energy moving through my body – sacred geometric forms swirled around me – still now the visual and sensation of it is instantly accessible.  Joyous blasts of bliss enveloped me.  Yet all around me looks the same.

So what happened?

First let me be absolutely clear – I am speaking to that which is not able to be defined.  As these words leave this screen and begin to be processed by the left side of your brain, this becomes a fruitless enterprise.  I cannot write here about ascension because ascension is not learned, it is done.  I would not pretend to know what it is for your soul.  Music, the language of the soul, comes closest to voicing the experience.  Ascension is a release, a letting go.


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Anchoring in Golden Age Energy 12-22-12



New Energy of Golden Age was brought in yesterday Duran an 8 min opportunity to anchored new energy into Gaia, Humanity, all of gods creations, elementals, angelic realms. This to help align, transform our consciousness and awaken our world. there was a planetary alignment as well.


There were activations, awakens, light code downloads for Star seeds, light workers, Blue Rays.

This happen at 5:07- 5:15 pm last night. Sorry for the delay was unable to blog yesterday.






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The Clock is Ticking


Commentary by Wes Annac

Written by Steve Beckow

Note from Wes: It is great to see Steve beginning to feel some of the monumental effects accompanying what was a very powerful alignment and beginning-point. I am still feeling the wonderful recalibration taking place and I as well am feeling the continual want to write, write write it out and today, I’ve experienced another very wonderful and blissful meditation that was truly unlike any I have ever experienced. These energies are heightening in intensity with each day and I can only say to hold on to your hats!


I think I have my feet on the ground enough to give you a description of what has been transpiring in the last … nine hours.

It seems like nine days.


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We KNOW our Galactic Family is HERE ~ do YOU?!!!


Published on Dec 18, 2012



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Drunvalo Melchizedek Galactic Message 21st December 2012


(Sorry it's out of sync!! But you'll have your eyes closed for most of it!) For all that missed the global meditation here it is! Remember, you can still connect with these energies, time is only a human concept. All of this is happening right now. During the Unity Breath meditation remember to feel love for yourself as well as Mother Earth and Father Sky to complete the holy trinity (Drunvalo channels this addition after entering the heart)

My experiences during this....

As I entered the heart I was filled with such ecstasy and excitement. A real bond connected me to Earth and I felt so loved it was incredible. Then I felt my entire being encased in black rock. The rock began to crumble away as light shone out from my being, bursting out in all direction.

More rock crumbled and light exploded from within. As the last of the rock encasing fell away I was a pure intense being of white light. My consciousness expanded and I grew to about 14ft tall then began floating upward in pure joy.

I was being born into Christ consciousness!!!! It was absolutely lovely!!!!

In preparation for this meditation I did the original MerKaba activation meditation (from the Flower of Life training as explained in The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life Vol2)

I did the meditation (while leading and teaching a group) last night. I've never felt my Merkaba so strongly!!!! The 55ft disc was really really noticeable and the energies were so excited.

I connect with my Merkaba field as a living consciousness. Like a really dear friend and I gotta say.... my Merkaba was soooooo excited about doing this!

Much love to all!! Enjoy the meditation and please share! Thank you so much for being a part of this amazing ascension.

During the meditation I could feel hundreds of loving people all around the world connecting with Earth, it was simply beautiful!



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~ Space Weather Update~ Chance of Storms


CHANCE OF STORMS: NOAA forecasters estimate a 10% to 20% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Dec. 24th in response to a CIR or "corotating interaction region." A CIR is a boundary between fast- and slow-moving streams in the solar wind. Crossing a CIR, as Earth will do on Christmas Eve, can spark magnetic storms and auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

FARSIDE ERUPTION: No strong flares have issued from the sun in weeks, but solar activity might not be as low as it seems. The farside of the sun is increasingly restless. On Dec. 21st, multiple CMEs flew over the edge of the solar disk, and today NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft observed a filament erupting on the farside. The blast site is circled in this extreme ultraviolet image taken on Dec. 23rd at 11:15 UT:

This activity suggests that the long-term forecast could be stormy. In one to two weeks, active regions currently on the farside will turn toward Earth, possibly sending some flares and CMEs our way. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


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P.E.A.C.E. Inc. - Holiday Greetings



Happy holidays from all of us, to all of you.
may our future be as bright as your hearts. :)
P. E. A. C. E. Inc.


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Heavenletter #4413 Change That Tune, December 24, 2012


Heavenletter #4413 Change That Tune, December 24, 2012 


God said: 


Even as time does not exist, now is time for you to cease being disappointed in yourself. You know exactly what I mean. You are hard to please. There is no end to the fault you find in yourself. Often you ask yourself: "Why did I do that? Why did I say that? Why didn't I this and why didn't I that?" Your list is endless. It may begin with: "Why is my nose shaped this way?" to "Where has the love in my heart gone?"

Or you may project your plaints with yourself upon others: "What is the matter with those people? Look what so and so said." You may not like the sound of someone's voice, and you hold it against him or her.

Like yourself more. Be content more with yourself, and you will perceive life, and your life, quite differently.

What you really complain about, what your axe is to grind, stems from your attitude toward yourself.

You have picked on yourself enough. You have picked on the world enough. Desist piling on your plaints on yourself and on others. It has been so easy for you to find fault. You can pick at anything.

You do know the cure, beloveds. Count your blessings. Make a different kind of assessment.

You may like to think that you are being noble to acknowledge what you would like to change about yourself. Stop acknowledging, and change then.


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After all...



Transcendence - Anna Lena Cilmi - ©



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13:20 Calendar, (12.23.12): The Wind is Washing the Earth with Love!


13:20 Calendar, (12.23.12): The Wind is Washing the Earth with Love!


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Wes Annac~ The Everlasting One: A Download!!! We Made It!


005 smallWoah! Another strong download, and I’m still feeling the effects of it. Have I said enough that the effects from the 21st are making themselves known in an incredibly intense manner already? I’ve been Loving every minute of it and each meditation seems to bring me deeper and expose me to another revelation or important download.

I will try to detail this download the best I can from my current state of pure, unending bliss, because I personally see it as a milestone in my ultimate spiritual growth that will garner an intensely-positive new perspective within me.

In meditation, going deeper and deeper and deeper, I found myself accessing realms and planes of consciousness I’ve truly never felt before in this Life. I found myself so submerged within swirls and swathes of pure, colored energy coming at me and flowing intensely yet harmoniously, throughout every aspect of my vision and conscious awareness.


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Poofness ~ The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Merry Christmas12/23/2012



poofGreetings and Salutations;

Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, as best you can. Some of you heard, some folks have hit the banks already. Some will deny such a thing because they don’t know anyone who went. That’s ok, there are non disclosures that get signed, which locks people’s lips for 90 days. Some may have heard some old contracts are being paid out. Don’t be surprised to find out the big O people were not the first on the list to be paid out, the point being, all is orderly and the oldest stuff goes first. So like the lunch line in school, the time is here to be served, just wait your turn. Tho some bankers took off for the holidays, not all did and continue to work right thru the weekend. It’s international…the whole world! The us is just a pivot point on everything but, it does not run the change over. For the fans of rvs, take look at this, things are moving despite the great silence out here.. http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v6/newsworld.php?id=914737


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Montague’s Message 12~23~12 The Transition cannot be Stopped


Montague’s Message for Sunday, 23rd December 2012


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I Ascended on 12/21/12!


December 21st was an amazing day for me. I started feeling the energies on December 20 and I knew something wonderful was coming.

Early on the morning of the 21st, at 11:11 UT (6:11 am for me) I meditated but did not experience much. Of course, I had just drank two cups of coffee and my thoughts were more on joining the group that I knew was already in the chat room.

Those of us in the chat room meditated as a group at the time of the Solstice in Chichen Itza – 7:31 am for me. I went outside and sat on my porch steps. My dogs were all over me but I connected in and had a wonderful experience. I had a Kundalini Awakening – the first that I remember being aware of.

Interestingly, prior to sunrise, it was a gray and cloudy morning. But shortly before sunrise, the clouds cleared and a beautiful golden light appeared as the sun started to rise. The sun came up and it was a glorious sight. I knew that everything had changed already! Well, the clouds came back pretty quickly and the rest of the day was gray, cloudy, and windy, but that sunrise was a brief and beautiful gift from the Kingdom of Heaven. Thank you!


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HILARION 2012 ~ December 23~30, 2012 ~ The Rainbow Scribe




Note from Scribe: We have had record snowfall for our area which resulted in several power outages last night so I left my computer off after the first one and that is why this message is a little late.

December 23-30, 2012

And so we now come into the new Golden age. We welcome you with great jubilation! The energies are still very intense and will continue in their activating activities. Every living being on Earth is being activated and attuned to the higher dimensional frequencies and this work will continue until each being is fully awakened in the new Light. It is your task individually and collectively, those who are already awake, to continue to shine your Light and help those around you as the need arises and is seen. You of the Light now hold an even more important position than before. You now begin to wield your Light into manifesting your vision for a better World in more powerful ways, because you yourselves are more powerful.


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It is not exactly a gift you know. ~ by Ron Head



no u turn


We come once again to congratulate you for the passing of another significant marker, the most significant one ever, as a matter of fact.  It went amazingly well.

Oh yes, there were a great number of very surprised people.  Some were surprised by what has happened.  Most were surprised by what appeared not to have happened.  At least the fearful are appreciative that the doom and gloom prophets were wrong, as we told you.

It is as we foretold, my friends.  You heard us say many times that the biggest change ever would occur in your energetic being, and that of Earth and all its creatures.  You understood this, and yet you held on to expectations of much more.  Yes, we did speak many times of much more, and we tell you now, these things are coming.  They are coming because now you are equipped to see to it.  You are able.  You are capable.  You will discover that you know how.  There is a very great deal for you to discover now about yourselves.  But that will be fun, don’t you think?  Fun and amazing.


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Bringing Heaven to Earth ~ 23 Dec 2012, by Elizabeth




Golden Beech


When I woke up on Friday, December 21st, I was very happy. Apparently I brought back with me (from wherever / whenever I had been) an impression that I finally understood my “mission”. What I had read in one of the posts from “Cosmic Awareness” the previous evening was a confirmation of what I had felt for a long time. I was not going to be beamed up into some heavenly world; rather, I was going to remain here on Earth. And I was to continue to work with the good people here, my friends and neighbors and those whom I have not meet yet “in the flesh”. I was pleased and content.


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My experience as Seeding New realities ~ December 23 , 2012



My dear Friends
I know we were together in Spirit when seeding New Realities for All of Us as a Collective
Here is my Meditation . This is one of the most Powerful Meditations , I got insights of some past lives that explain certain situations in this current incarnation of mine.
I saw Giant Blue People of Light, they were watching and are here to witness our transition
I went through the channel/tunnel and raised my consciousness over my current physical self. I got a sense of my Multidimensional Self that is transcendent to time and space.
I saw Our Planet that was getting out of a Portal/Black Hole, the Planet was surrounded by Energy of Light , this energy was like a cloud or steam round the Planet and the Planet was Golden like from this Light
I got a feeling of moving very fast on a ray of Golden Light, I saw the World from above
The sense of Sphere intensified as the Meditation neared its end and the sound waves got more intense and pulsating at the center of my Brain/pineal gland/. I found myself in the center of a Huge Sphere of All Possibilities
I imagined my Future Self living in a wonderful World around me, on the New Earth all people were living in Peace and Happiness, we are using free energy and have vehicles for moving into different environments, in the air, in water, in the ocean, in Space and throughout the Universe/Universes
The buildings were crystalline and could change form depending on our needs

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Patricia Cota-Robles~Activation of solar light bodies


Precious Hearts,

This is the Cosmic Moment for which we have all been longing. This video is an Activity of Light the Company of Heaven has given to Humanity to help us assimilate the monumental influx of Light we are receiving during the December Solstice, December 20-23, 2012, and it will expand throughout 2013, 2014, and 2015.

Each time we view the video and participate in this Activity of Light, we will accelerate the Divine Alchemy that is taking place in our Earthly Bodies. Day by day we will gently transform our carbon-based planetary bodies into Crystalline-based Solar Light Bodies of Infinite Perfection.

God Bless You for the Light you are adding to the world, and God Bless You for being instrumental in lifting this Blessed Planet and ALL her Life into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light.

Patricia Cota-Robles


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Top 10 Legal Drugs Linked to Violence


Natural Society by Lisa Garber
December 23rd, 2012 | Updated 12/23/2012 at 2:34 am

violencepillsgun 260x162 Top 10 Legal Drugs Linked to Violence

It’s no surprise that Adam Lanza was on heavy-duty pharmaceuticals, as was Aurora shooter James Holmes, the Columbine shooters, Ted Kaczinski the Unambomber, and many more. Many of the drugs handed out to troubled individuals have troubled histories in Food and Drug Administration testing themselves, and come with a list of side effects including hostility, aggression, confusional states, and impulse-control disorders.


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Neale Donald Walsch: Events and Experience Are Not The Same


The Healers Journal Posted by admin on December 23, 2012

HJ: If anything, the Ascension and subsequent events have only confirmed the need for a strong spiritual foundation, which after all, is the bedrock of existence.  What many fail to realize is that the Ascension experience is always accessible to those that have done the necessary work and reached the appropriate level of spiritual advancement.  I think part of the reason why many were disappointed on Dec. 21st, 2012, was that they had believed that they should have received a ‘free pass’, per se, of a true ‘Ascension experience’ despite the fact that they may not have reached the ‘normally’ necessary levels spiritually.  I believe this makes the point Neale Donald Walsch expresses below all the more poignant.


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The Importance of Spiritual Preparedness


The Healers Journal Posted by admin on December 23, 2012

The Importance of Spiritual Preparedness

HJ: Having a solid spiritual foundation is a timeless quality that will always be of infinite value.  Without it, we are at the mercy of the collective consciousness, which is currently still recovering from many thousands of years of dark influence.  The only two things one needs on the spiritual path is a desire to grow and learn and a critical mind that does not accept things at face value.  These two tools will always guide one to higher levels of awareness and experience.  They are profoundly simple, yet extremely complex.  One could spend life times analyzing and explaining these qualities, but why?  Direct experience (the Shaman’s way) is the quickest path to true understanding.  Sure there are caveats and pitfalls, but in a true seeker, these are always surmountable and part of the journey.  Experiences that are requisite for the course.

Rene’s beautiful essay below expounds on the power and timelessness of spiritual wisdom and experience.  Be inspired.


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MUSINGS OF AN AWAKENING MINISTER ~“Everything is simply different.”


Posted on December 23, 2012 by Nancy B. Detweiler



 Man on beach


What a fantastic last few days!

Everything is simply different, and there is no denying it inside myself.

We spent Dec. 21 with awakened friends, and we observed all of the pivotal time-points.  We ate and celebrated.  That was actually the mood.

One of the women read angel cards.  The messages all resonated in each of us.  The feeling of oneness and love pervaded the room.

What is fascinating is that we have all only known each other for weeks, but the “camaraderie” of knowing we are family is unmistakable.


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Gerald O’Donnell ~ On December 21, 2012 The Song of Love Has Begun




Academy Of Remote Viewing

Today December 21, 2012, in the city of one – Jerusalem – a holy experience started at exactly 1PM when the facet that is talking now started climbing from levels to levels the tree of creation until he reached the level of The One and Only. The level of light and vibrations cannot be described.

At that level everything is united. Everything is at peace.

This event needed to be achieved at this very moment so that the unity of The One and Its Peaceful manifestation can enter all levels of Creation including ours.

There was great rejoicing within The Godliness as Love entered back the domain of fear and separation.

During this experience many parts, including the one who is talking now, intoned the vibrations and tunes of the Song of all Songs: the Song of Love, of Perfection, and Peace.

That Song, that Tune, had not been intoned for a very very long period of Creation.


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We Want To Live In A World That Is… -23December2012


The Golden Age Daily December 23, 2012

Marco Torres & Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

Free from the limitations that currently exist on Earth. A world of endless possibilities filled with nations of cooperative families and communities who have one goal–to function as a unit. One that can only survive through the purest, positive intent to benefit humanity. This is our world and we are all building it together.

In Our World…

- People embrace natural living foods. Dead, processed foods filled with artificial sweeteners, flavors, chemicals and preservatives do not exist. People recognize that genetically modified organisms (GMO) and companies that create or endorse foods containing GMO have no place in our world. Bye bye Monsanto.


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Good Morning December 22, 2012


The Golden Age Daily December 23, 2012

Sherri Carter, Contributing Writer
Waking Times 

Here we are! December 22, 2012! We’ve heard so much about December 21st, but not much about December 22nd and beyond. Chances are, we all made it past the end of the Mayan Calendar, which, for the most part has been greatly misunderstood. My very basic understanding it that it was never meant to predict the actual, physical end of the world, but rather, the end of the old way and the bringing in of a new era, a new way of doing things. For a more, specific, in-depth astrologicial explanation, I highly recommend reading this article by Barbara Freed – Mayan Prophecy and Our Shift in Consciousness.


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The Grand Upsweep… Kauilapele's Blog


This grand upsweeping set of clouds appeared this morning, as I arrived at Java extremely early (6:15 AM). It felt as if this represented the upsweeping energies surge we are experiencing now, Gaia-planet-wise.

Not sure what else is showing up here, as I’ve only seen it on iPhone screen size. But for sure, it feels to me as a lightness, a Higher Frequency, and lower density, than before the 12-21-12.

May be this has to do with a “letting go” of things… by each of us, by much of humanity, of the need for stuff, of the need for results.


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All I want for Christmas is me...by Joelle of the Galactic Federation of Light, 11th Dimensional Being


From my friend Joelle...apologies for the formatting. The program would not allow me to format it properly. Blessings, Anna


All I want for Christmas is me...

It’s been many years now since I have done the Christmas thing.  It’s not part of who I am but although many people ask “what are you doing for Christmas”, I continue to say “I don’t do Christmas, well at least not in the way other people do Christmas”.

I feel like the foreigner from a distant planet, and this being very true by trying to fit in a culture that is fascinated with material idealisms and less with the spiritual aspect of self.  What I am saying is when an E.T.’s visiting or being birthed on the Earth; nothing here on this Earth makes any amount of sense to them at all.  You see cultures of other planets in the universe delve into the spiritual truth of balance with nature and harmony of all living things on an anatomic level which is the physical structure of all living things with that of many frequencies of the different dimensions.  And in the various dimensions Light beings demonstrate integrity on different levels when visiting the beautiful planet you call 3 D Earth.  And although the Earth seems volatile at these times of Dec. 21st, 2012 ...It is the time of transition for your beautiful Earth and its inhabitance to “Jump” exponentially into a new frequency  of the 5th Dimension.


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Lucas – Merry Christmas – 24 December 2012




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I Am Love – 24 December 2012


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 I was not planning on writing anything much through the Holydays.

But I feel a response is required to my previous blog post.   I did not say much, but that little post where I wrote simply ‘The Gate of Heaven is Now Open’ has really triggered some people, I am guessing the ones who most wanted a pole shift / end of world scenario to have occurred.  That, or a free pass / get out of jail card.   Not only was I was accused of promoting ‘hysteria’ and ‘fear’ around a pole shift happening  ( ??? I have always encouraged people to create a peaceful and safe future for all ) I was also confronted by some individuals who appeared to be very angry that I wrote ‘the world remains the same’ – clearly a question of English Comprehension 101, and a lack thereof.

How can the world remain the same if the Gate of Heaven is Now Open????

The world is NOT the same. The world is now bathed in a rain of grace from Heaven that is palpable, pure and irrevocable.  And we are now, for the most part, ready to receive this Holy Grace, which has given us, collectively, another chance, and the gift of time, to clean up our act.   Please understand, conscious or unconscious, it matters not.  The Rain of Grace is falling equally on all.


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Heart Song December 24th 2012


Good morning.  The Heart Song for December 24th 2012 is

Joy To The World



Joy to the world! The Lord is come.
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart
Prepare Him room
And Saints and angels sing
And Saints and angels sing
And Saints and Saints and angels sing

Joy to the world, the Saviour reigns
Let Saints their songs employ
While fields and floods
Rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat, Repeat, the sounding joy

Joy to the world with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness
And wonders of his love,
And wonders of his love
And wonders, and wonders of his love
And wonders of His love
And wonders of His love
And wonders and wonders of His love

No more will sin and sorrow grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground



Love Geeta


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Second storm dumps rain, snow across Northern California


The Examiner - 12/23/12, By: S.F. Examiner wire services

Christopher Chung/The Press Democrat

Graton volunteer firefighter Eddie Miranda helps Evelyn Lozoida and Berenice Lozoida, 3, to safety after the van they were traveling in got stuck along Graton Road, which was flooded by Atascadero Creek, on Sunday. (Christopher Chung/The Press Democrat)

Northern Californians slogged through another day of wet and windy weather as the second storm of the weekend moved through the region, causing headaches for people driving on freeways and delays for air travelers.

After a bit of a break in the weather Saturday evening, a slow-moving but more powerful weather system delivered heavy rain and strong winds Sunday, said National Weather Service forecaster Diana Henderson.


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Drought-Parched Rivers Reveal History's Relics


Weather.com - 12/23/12, Jim Salter

AP Photo/United States Coast Guard, Colby Buchanan

A World War II minesweeper lies uncovered in the Mississippi River near St. Louis in this Nov. 28 photo.

The lack of rain has left many rivers at low levels unseen for decades, offering a glimpse at things not normally seen.

ST. LOUIS — From sunken steamboats to a millennium-old map engraved in rock, the drought-drained rivers of the nation's midsection are offering a rare and fleeting glimpse into years gone by.

Lack of rain has left many rivers at low levels unseen for decades, creating problems for river commerce and recreation and raising concerns about water supplies and hydropower if the drought persists into next year, as many fear.


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Wishing You Holy Days Heart to Heart Love to Love God to God


Love is your consciusness flying towards more elevated realities, beyond body and matter.

- Osho Rajneesh



Do not go where there's already a path, go where there's none, and leave your traces.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson




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It’s December! and Europe freezes


Gulf News - 12/24/12

There’s little Christmas cheer as chill lingers

Dubai: The weather outside is frightful — and cold, bitterly cold.

In Russia, at least 88 people died as the mercury plummeted to near -30 degrees Celcius — cold enough to freeze expose bare skin in less than a minute.Moscow authorities told schoolchildren they could stay home to avoid the frigid temperatures as at least 550 people needed medical treatment in the capital region.

To read the rest of this story, visit Gulf News.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Peace Feel the light



Monday, December 24, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Peace

Feel the light



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The manuscript of survival – part 242



The manuscript of survival – part 242



•December 24, 2012 •

You have been anxiously awaiting good news dear ones, as you have all been struggling various ways through this tunnel of love. For many, you have already seen the proverbial light at the end, but for others, the darkness will seem to be even more profound. Fret not dear ones, you will not be stuck in this darkness for ever, and even if you might have a hard time getting your hope up at this moment, know that this is only a part of this process, and you are in fact not doing anything wrong at all. Let us explain.

As we touched upon in an earlier missive, in fact, we have talked about this several times before, mankind have a habit of making presumptions in their heads as to how and when certain things should come about. And, as you all know so well, these fabled days in December 2012 have been a bit of a hyperbole, to put it lightly. That is easy to understand, because as none of you have any prior knowledge as to how such a massive process as this will come about, you have an ingrained need to try to picture it anyway. And then, some of these images take on a mass appeal, and they are aired and discussed and seem to take on a life on their own. After a while they are presented as ”facts” or even ”The Truth”, and many will start to adhere to these truths. Well, as you all know so well, a human mind has a certain limitation to it, and anything not fittting within these limits will not be easy to understand. So too in this, and as we said beforehand, many will become very disappointed during this period of transition. And many have, even to the point of destruction. For they have come to lose every hope, not only in this process, but also in themselves. And when they do, they will have a hard time finding anything to believe in, and their future will seem to be less than bleak.

Mankind have a long story of this, and as usual, it will act a sort of a self destructive mechanism. For, as we have said on so many occasions, there is nothing that can stop you now, except yourselves. For your fear is the only thing standing in your way now, there are no outside forces creating havoc anymore, they have been neutralized and cannot affect but minor irritations here and there. The only thing stopping any of you now, is your own inner fear of letting go and pushing through it all. And this inner voice of self doubt have been very, very strong, as so many of you have testified to lately. And do you think it was a coincidence that it was heard by so many after a day when so many of you were literally swimming in bliss and love?


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2012: A Memorable Year for Weather


LiveScience.com - 12/23/12, Wynne Parry

A striking image of Verrazano Bridge in Brooklyn as Hurricane Sandy approaches on Oct. 29, 2012.
CREDIT: Carlos Ayala

Drought, wildfire, hurricanes, a deadly typhoon and cold snap — this year had a lot to offer in terms of weather news.

Weather historian Christopher C. Burt, who blogs for the meteorological website Weather Underground, has been keeping tabs on events this year, and the headliner is clear, he said: Unusually warm temperatures, most notably across the continental United States.

To read the rest of this story, visit LiveScience.com.


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Chile raises alert on Copahue Volcano to red, issues air-traffic alerts


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 12/23/12

December 24, 2012 – CHILE - Chilean authorities on Sunday issued a red alert — the most severe in their warning system — that the Copahue Volcano, high in the Andes Mountains on the border with Argentina, might be poised for a significant eruption. A familiar threat to New Zealand air traffic is emerging from a mountain 10,000 kilometers away. The Andes Copahue volcano on the Argentinian-Chilean border has started erupting, sending up ash and gas high into the atmosphere. When the Cordon Caulle volcano erupted in June this year, the ash reached New Zealand about three weeks later, forcing some airlines to curtail flights.



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Floods dampen Christmas spirit in UK


News.com.au - 12/24/12, AAP

HUNDREDS of UK homes and businesses have been swamped by floods, from the southern-most parts of Cornwall to the Highlands of Scotland.

Flooding UK

The River Wye floods surrounding lowlands near Ross-on-Wye. Picture: AFP PHOTO/Paul Ellis Source: AFP

Despite a brief respite from the downpours on Sunday, water levels have continued to rise as rain washed down hills to swell rivers.

Others will be swapping turkey and presents for mops, buckets and sandbags as they desperately try to clear up and protect their homes from further flood threats.

To read the rest of this story, visit News.com.au.


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Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead: 12.24.12



Morning Blessing: 12.24.12
The Awakening World 


". . . the soul is immutable energy; it can never be destroyed; it can only be transformed." And through great cycles of evolution, we will inevitably realize that ". . . there is absolutely nothing to transcend, but only all of Creation to unite with." - Jeffery Wolf Green

Blessed holiday musings to you during the time of year when humanity resides within the one moment called Eternity. This past weekend millions and millions of hearts participated in a celebration of Awakening. It was a time when many quietly resided within their lives, within their own pleasures and within the great deep peace that flowed from their inner beingness. My holiday wish for you is that you gift yourself with the time and space to absorb all of the Divine Light structures that are making their way here this week because of that event.


Along with the hustle and bustle of holiday socializing, kids being home, family visiting, holiday meal preparation, and last minute Christmas shopping there needs to be some "alone" time for yourself or you will miss the true holiday gift that is being distributed this week.


When I told my son and his fiancé that I had to get this article done for the week they confidently chimed that they could accurately predict the energies of the week and save me the time of composing an article. David said all I had to send out was a brief announcement that "Bull#&$@ was about to commence along with a little drama." That is going to be true for sooo many households but not for my readers, right? You are above the usual shenanigans and mischief-making of mundane human dynamics. You are going to have the spiritual willpower to allow everyone to "be" wherever they need to be this holiday season.


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Jafree Ozwald – Enlightenment Is The Ultimate Maturity



Jafree Ozwald – Enlightenment Is The Ultimate Maturity 

jafree-newEnlightenment is the Mount Everest in human consciousness. There is nothing greater in life to discover. It is the peak of ones existence that naturally blossoms when you’ve reached a sweet ripe maturity within every area of your life. Full enlightenment is not just about reaching a transcendental state of bliss through meditation. The real deal means you’ve also integrated this expanded understanding into your personal life. When you have mastered your relationships with people, money, food, sex, health, your body, feelings, thoughts and everything on your inner and outer world, then enlightenment simply finds you. It doesn’t have to take very long, the moment you discover a deep and complete peace within every area of your life, you will have reached the highest level of maturity and reveal what the enlightened state is all about.


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Latest Earthquake Activity - December 24, 2012


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes


All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

December 24




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                                        MERRY CHRISTMAS



May this Christmas be a very special one and may the unconditional divine Love spread around this beautiful blue planet, called Mother Gaia.


We are all ONE, we are all ONE HEART!


Much *LOVE, LIGHT, PEACE and HARMONY* to everyone here on this planet and in the whole universe.


From the bottom of my HEART







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Sandra Walter – Blessings From The Eye Of The Vortex



Sandra Walter – Blessings From The Eye Of The Vortex 

sandrabdaypic20121-300x245Many blessings to our dear Light Tribe during this incredible gateway. Apologies for not jumping online and updating everyone on my experiences here in Mount Shasta. I have been sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, meditating, downloading and spending a much quiet time as possible during these profound unfoldments of the New. We have several feet of snow here and another few feet are expected in the next few days. The snowstorms have been supportive of this internal hibernation – experiencing the truth within deep inside my consciousness.


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The Prayer - let us All sing as Childs


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Lucas - The Paradise On Earth Is You Creating It, So Stop Seeking, You Are The Creators - 24 December 2012



What is seen over the world is in the last part of the year that  people all over the world have their feasts of light and celebrations to welcome the peace on earth, the new light. It is the Sun returning to lengthen the days again.  In the new re-birth of the light, peace and harmony we still not see that the message is:  'We are the creators of heaven upon earth'.  Remembering that we are just all that is and nothing is outside the present moment of now will give us the insights that we need and we always had.


The seekers will need to stop seeking. The followers need to stop following. The believers have to stop believing. It is all there for you in you and that makes your c0-creating with all others the reality your living in. First and foremost you create your own reality. If you want to give your creational powers away to someone it is you doing so. If you seek that power that is within you, outside of you, you will keep searching. If you believe you have need of  something or someone to be in your life , helping you or saving you, than you are believing that, nobody else does this.  It is projecting your own divinity outside of you and saying it is something else that you need to worship or have permission from to be or do whatever it is.



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3MIN News December 24, 2012: Storm Euclid



Pubblicato in data 24/dic/2012 da Suspicious0bservers


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Visionkeeper: Merry Christmas Eve



Merry Christmas Eve….


I wish to send my love to all who visit here and comment here and have become family here over the past year. Each and everyone of you is so appreciated. I hope you all have a warm and wonderful holiday that is filled with love and everything that holds meaning in your life. This will be our first Christmas in the new world so make sure to make it what you truly want and find joy in giving rather than in receiving. Reach out to others and offer them hope and love. Be happy everyone and filled with love.                           

Blessings and Joy to all…. Visionkeeper


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Natalie Glasson ~ 21st December And Beyond Update ~ 24 December 2012




So much has been occurring since and before the 21st December 2012. The energies have been so intense in my experience and continue to be so as we enter into each new day. I feel my guides strongly around me guiding and supporting me at this time and I know it is the same for all of us. We are very much loved and supported at this moment and always in our ascension.

The weekly message is due today and I am being told by my guides that they do not wish for me to channel because like everyone I also need to rest and process the energies to support my spiritual evolution at this time. Rest, relaxing, loving ourselves and connecting into the energies are extremely important at this time, I am being told by my guides. It is important to follow your inner guidance as to what is appropriate for you to achieve and so I am following my inner guidance that it isn’t appropriate for me to channel at this time. In my wish to support each of you at this time I wish to share some insights that I have been made aware of by my guides.


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Christina ~ Our Golden Merkaba




Golden Heart Dialogues | December 24 2012

Golden Merkaba

Here we are moving through a magnificent period in our evolution. All is in a continual motion towards our recognition of an event that surpassed all understanding. We read, watched and listened to scores and scores of material, insights, projections and of course, we heard our own inner intentions.

Our primordial thoughts served us well, in that, what we recorded in our original imprint came into play. What we thought, heard and felt came to pass. Review your personal legend now. What was your intent for this passage into a new time? Did it support your expectations? Are you any different now than when you started out on this journey?

What is the purpose of this time marked for eons by the record keepers? Was it a myth, was it contrived, did it offer any purpose to further you along your way? What if the purpose was to inspire you to not create any more limiting stories in your personal matrix.


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Hi All,


What an amazing few days it has been.  The New 26,000 year Baktun has begun - and we ARE the ONES we have been waiting for....






Wishing you all a truly beautiful Holy Season and A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR   -   2013!!!!!!!!





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Dancing policeman delights US drivers and pedestrians (Video)


BBC New 20 December 2012 Last updated at 06:34 ET

Tony Lepore

A traffic policeman's dance moves have become a Christmas holiday tradition in the largest city in Rhode Island in the US.

Tony Lepore, 65, has been entertaining drivers and pedestrians in downtown Providence with his dancing since 1984.

To view the video visit BBC News



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Published on Dec 24, 2012

Judy Satori talks about the imminent arrival of the star-people. A must listen interview with your host Maarten Horst from ET-First-Contact Radio. Show info via: http://www.bbsradio.com/etfirstcontactradio To get Judy's book: "Sunshine before the dawn", go to her website: http://www.thesoundoflight.com



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(Full Doc) Journey to Rockmont: Three Days of Light - A Consciousness Shifting Story



Something positive and inspiring for everyone on this Christ-In-Mass Eve.
(Full Doc) Journey to Rockmont: Three Days of Light - A Consciousness Shifting Story 

Film Synopsis: Join gonzo journalist Brendon (aka Skull Babylon) as he sets off on a journey to reunite with long lost new found friends and spirit family at the Three Days of Light consciousness festival and retreat. 

Through this story we see first hand accounts of the youth and non youth here on this planet today who are passionate about exploring spirituality as a means to refine their identities to then go out and change the world- to choose be the change they wish to see. This is an inspiring story to unite all of those who see it with a knowing that as a global community we have the potential and privilege to co-create, educate, and celebrate a better world.

The paradigms are shifting, and Skull Babylon is here to bring you the story first hand.


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Santa Claus Uses Sign Language With Boy, Makes Family's Christmas Special (VIDEO)


Huffington Post By Hayley Hudson

Posted: 12/23/2012 1:45 pm EST


The parents of a hearing-disabled boy received a heartwarming holiday gift from a mall Santa Claus who unexpectedly managed to communicate with their son.

Cameron Sylvester, 3, requires two hearing aids due to auditory neuropathy, his father told WCVB. The family recently went to a mall southwest of Boston so he and his sister, Arianna, could visit Santa Claus.

In the WCVB video above, the man who played Santa says he noticed Cameron's condition and, using a gesture similar to adjusting a baseball cap, asked in American Sign Language if the boy had been good this year.


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Top 10 Stories of 2012 Countdown Story #9 A Spontaneous Opportunity To Teach My Children About Generosity


Help Others. org --posted by Earthymom33 on Dec 23, 2012

My kids and I were heading into the superstore over the weekend. On the way, we spotted a man wrapped in a blanket and holding a sign that said, "Lost my job. Family to Feed".

At this store, a sight like this is not a normal occurrence. It was obvious the man was embarrassed, but desperate. My 10-year-old noticed him commented on how bad it must be to have to stand outside in the cold wind.

While we were in the store, I asked each of the kids (I have seven :) to pick something they thought our 'friend' outside would appreciate. They picked a couple apples, a package of shrimp cocktail, a sandwich, some cheese and a bottle of juice.

Then my 17-year-old asked, "Can we get him a gift card?"


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My Guardian Angel...



She is my Guardian Angel with the Green Eyes and the wavy brown hair

I AM my Guardian Angel with the Green Eyes and the wavy brown hair

The Angels bustle around me as they tie ribbons in my hair

They gloss my Lips with Rainbows and make them glisten in the Sun


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Queenslanders share Christmas joy with state's less fortunate


The Australian Brittany Vonow From: The Courier-Mail  December 25, 2012 1:00AM

  • Kmart Mt Druitt staff gear up for the Wishing Tree Appeal.
  • Kmart Mt Druitt staff gear up for the Wishing Tree Appeal
  • AMONG the heady Christmas shopping and festive splurging, Queenslanders haven't forgotten those less fortunate.

    Queenslanders have donated more than 83,000 presents to the 2012 Kmart Wish Tree Appeal, the third most generous state behind New South Wales and Victoria.

    The 83,197 presents will go towards those in need and culminate in more than six million gifts donated across the country since the appeal stated in 1987.


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