~ Andrew Martin ~ The Lighted Ones: Your Frequency is Your Choice

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mandelbrot.jpgGreetings to you! We wish to speak to you today about frequency. There are so many energies available to all of you at any given moment and it is our intention for you to know you can always choose a higher vibration if you so desire. We have spoken to you about the still point of creation and how your magnificent bodies can detect the purity of information as it relates to you. 

We would like for you to consider for a moment, dear ones that your bodies are like radio receivers. As we have mentioned through our scribe in previous messages, your bodies are designed to send and recieve information. This information is sent in the form of vibrations. Light, energy, emotion, thoughts, all of these are vibrational in nature. Consider for a moment that you have in every moment the ability to tune into a higher frequency. For some of you this may be a very minor adjustment, for some of you this may be a “bigger turn of the dial” so to speak. We want you to know that the choice is always yours. We want you to know that as we turn up the intensity of love and light that is being showered to your beautiful planet right now that we are doing our best to make tuning into the higher vibrations as easy as we can. It is simply a matter of closing your eyes, breathing in and out three times and beginning to listen for the signal in the noise. Just like a radio tunes into specific stations using the dial, you can use your discernment to tune to a frequency that feels lighter, happier, freer, higher than the one you are tuned to now. We know that some of you are tuned into a very loving, positive, stream right now. The station you have tuned your radio to is playing such lovely music! (laughter)

Some of you may feel that you do not like the station to which you are tuned at this moment and we say to you then change the channel dear ones! If you feel that the vibrations you are sending and receiving are of a lower energy then you would prefer, then you can simply begin to adjust your internal dial to a station that feels better to you. Now we know that so many of our precious human brothers and sisters like their routines and their habits and for so many of you you have gotten very used to listening to a station that is of a lower vibrational frequency. Fear not dear ones, for we have told you before there is not a wrong way. Your intention is the most important thing in this moment. For if you clearly intend to tune into a higher, clearer, lighter frequency than the one you are used to then you will be given the opportunity to do so. For once you have created the desire to adjust your dial in a positive way then it is done!

Be kind to yourselves as you begin to traverse this new landscape. We understand that your set point which you may be used to living in could be of a lower vibration than what you desire to tune into. Over centuries of forgetting you have begun to believe that you must trudge on regardless of how you feel. We will say to you again that that time is over! You are magnificent Creator Beings infused with the same love and light that we are all a part of. There is not one of you who at your core is different than your neighbors. Some of your neighbors live next door, across the street, or upstairs. Some of your neighbors live on other planets and in other dimensions...way upstairs! (laughter)

What we mean to say to you in this message dear ones is that your point of vibration is always and only your choice. We understand that over the centuries of forgetting that you may have gotten used to vibrating at a frequency that is lower than you realized and now that so many of the higher frequencies have opened up to you, you may be realizing that your “set point” is now your new foundation. Your new “lowest vibration” is now much higher than it used to be and for some of you this may seem very disorienting and very strange. It is as if you were used to living on a particular level and now you see that there are so many other options available to you. We encourage you to allow this new unfolding, to allow this new process of “leveling up” so to speak. When you have those moments of feeling lost or feeling unsure, we will remind you to always go inside. To find that still point we have spoken to you of and to go to that place and begin again. Fear not if you feel anger or fear or frustration, for your dial must simply be tuned through these lower vibrational stations in order to arrive at your desired place.

Consider dear ones that if you were tuning your actual radio dial to find the music that you desire, you would not stop on the stations that you do not like and curse them for being there. You would merely use the unchosen frequencies as a marker letting you know that you are still on your way to your desired point of broadcast. If you were intending to tune to the jazz station, you would not stop on the rock and roll station and talk about how much you hate rock and roll, would you? (laughter) You would keep tuning past the noise that is unappealing to you until you found that station that you prefer. Your feelings and thoughts are the same dear ones. When you find yourself feeling or thinking in a way that feels low or heavy, simply recognize that it is merely a brief moment in time and that you are well on your way to your desired frequency. Honor those other stations for they are there to merely clarify for you what it is that your heart is moving you towards.

We will say to you that you always have the still point inside, you always have the beauty of your heart center and going to this place will always remind you of where you are going. You are never lost, you are never alone. You have woken up and have begun to remember and now it is merely a matter of learning to live in the “new now”. Just like on your first day of 5th grade you may find yourself longing for the comfort and familiarity of 4th grade as the new may seem scary and un-known. Yet we remind you that if it was not time for you to be in the next grade, then you would not be there! Allow yourself some time to adjust to your new class room, your new teacher and your new school mates. And if you ever feel overwhelmed or afraid, go in to that stillness and breathe. Breathe, breathe, breathe and you will begin to remember that all is well. All is as it should be and all is unfolding according to plan. Once you have been able to breathe and center yourself, then you can re-open your eyes and rejoin the class so to speak. Eventually, in much less time than you would believe, you will forget that you ever feared your new now and you will begin to revel in the excitement and joy of your new class! You will find friends and allies that you had forgotten about or who are seemingly brand new to you and you will wonder why you ever feared the new class in the first place! (laughter) So dear ones, fear not, just breathe, focus, feel. Find the signal in the noise and begin again to tune your dial. You will find the station you desire and you will know it when you feel it. Until next time we leave you in love and light! Rejoice!


The Lighted Ones.

