Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead: 12.03.12

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Morning Blessing: 12.03.12
Slipping Away From Conventional World 


"Thank you, God, for this good life, and forgive us if we do not love it enough."   - Garrison Keiller.

This week Gaia taps into the ruling universal energies of manifestation and intentionally works with the vision she has for herself. Being part of her physiology means that we, too, begin a move in the direction of self-motivation, self-expansion, and conscious decision making. You are able to delight in the manifestation of what you want, not having to wait for it to show this holiday season gifted from someone else. I wholeheartedly encourage you to make benefit in all ways for yourSelf. It is a prosperous time if you are authentic and intentional. If not your shadow may take over and all manner of contentiousness will arise. You may give yourself away in co-dependant ways that are not actually helpful. You can get trapped in belief systems that benefit the ego, but not the spiritual You. It's time for your desires and will to create what is in the wisest interest for you at this specific time. Empower your thoughts, feelings, and actions this week with choices that facilitate a harmonious universe opening to support your path rather than closing doors and limiting you.


This season of sacred Light will also heighten the whole-body experience of Ascension so be prepared for the yo-yo effects of sensing the highs of new energy shrouds, integrating, then living with the lows of physical exposure to such energy. You have been through this same scenario many times over the last twenty-four months so you should be used to it and know how to comfort the self during such time periods. We are re-seeding and re-storing the biology to a crystalline prism of Divinity. Transmuting old carbon-based biological constructs just goes with the territory during this stage of responsibility.


You may also notice that the weeks ahead feel more emotional, there's no doubt about that. Socializing while the human element is more sensitive and sensitized than usual will be sure to evoke quick reactions. Take this into consideration when others are grumpy, irritable, or impatient. The holidays will seem to bring out the chaos-focused you, not the best, if you are driven by the illusion of crazed world affairs rather than evolving to a more heart-centered spiritual season. If you can move into your heart and know that the celebrations, which are many, are about Spirit and not about what you're getting as gifts then you will receive the true teaching of the season.  


You'll know you are on the right track if by week's end you are feeling a great surge of personal power and mental strength. It indicates the balance that is present right below the hustle and bustle of Yule tide cheer. Being centered and listening this week to the invisible orchestration that is taking place will get you access to the high-level meetings of cosmic intelligence that are collaborating on mankind's behalf and pooling energy that you can dip into and be part of. The specifics of the subtle frequencies aren't important, just live your spiritual play and the sourcing tides of Love, Light, and Service will spiral the purity of our forthcoming future into your field, and thus into your life.  


In the growth and expansion process it is as equally important to pause and reflect as it is to move forward and assimilate. Of late my guardians have me pondering this last year and reflecting on the next unfoldments that will soon be underway.  They had given 2012 the label of "Spiritual Adulthood," so as we step into the last month of this year I ask you to consider for a moment to what degree you have lived into such a theme. We are leaving the era of time when we have been spiritual children and entering the time of spiritual adulthood. It is the end of childhood for the human kingdom, the end of linear time-material perception as the only reality. Have you gained a proficient understanding that Spirit is EVERYTHING and is EVERYWHERE? It merely vibrates at an infinite number of ranges and rates of frequency. The wisdom from such an understanding becomes "compassion" and that is the first attribute that develops in spiritual maturity. The Earth, in her headlong whirling into the higher dimensions has shaken off that which threatened to keep her in an old perspective, how about you? Have you kept up with her and transcended the patterns and beliefs that interfered with the full embodiment of Higher energies? And even then, have you been able to sustain them as your new reality? The answers to such questions are going to determine the kind of 2013 you get. 


While many have not figured out the bigger picture from the evidence that sits before us there is enough widespread acceptance in this geophysical world that human laws will cede to universal principles. You and I have been doing the hardest work, birthing a Oneness world order. Just imagine -- and keep on imagining! One day we shall have no more blame, judgment or right and wrong. Connectedness and cooperation restored between all humans at all levels allow the most expansive, prosperous, abundant empowerment for all living beings. Yes, we can create it! 


I labeled 2012 as the year of "Responsibility to Self," and that theme is closing quickly, now we are firmly stationed upon a new platform waiting for the agenda and the consecrating action on of 2013. Let's create a brighter future through our collective, conscious intent that it will bring the world we imagined we were incarnating into to live and love. A world that understands its connection to the Divine Source. A consciousness that desires to love, to honor, and to appreciate all that is around it. A human collective that understand to simply to live that, moment by moment, creates a little piece of heaven right here on Earth.  


In honor of century twenty-one's shifts, and our continued calibration and alignment, I say - And so it is,



My life is a quantum awakening of Spirit, the All-Knowing, All-powerful

and Eternally present One. Within this One I live, move and transform

my Being. As I breathe into this place of lighter light and deeper love, I

spring forth into a place that brings pearls of wisdom created from the

irritations of being so human and so supremely divine simultaneously.


I acknowledge the remembrance of my Soul's binary codes this day.

With greater illumination sweeping across the globe I remain at peace --

fulfilled and healed. I stay honed at the pinnacle of my spiritual awareness

and clearly receive the answers that can only be given from the nuances of

my vast and wide and high and great consciousness that is forever merged

with God-nature. That nature that implodes the Self with purpose, contentment,

and delight. No matter what "life" looks like, I always choose to use what I see

and hear as messages from Spirit that reveal the magic that sweetens my

existence. Everything has been encrypted especially for me by me. All events

and experiences are tools for activating a fuller Presence here. I make love

with all of it and allow my Spirit to passionately embark on this journey of

unbounded potential.


The energies on Earth are redefining themselves. The Creative Intelligence of

the Universe appears to be transcending It's own former limitations. How

blessed I am to have incarnated at these times. I joyously anchor the Truth

of what is truly happening in my daily routine. The expanding Good and

affirming Divine Eternal Spirit are remodeling my earthly home. And so it is. 

