Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 5 October 2013

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My dear friends, we love you so very much.

It is a time of choosing upon your planet earth, and yet in truth every moment is a moment of choice. Who will be your God? Will fear be your God, or will the source and creator of all life be your God? Will you give your faith and power over to institutions, money, your place of employment, your bosses, coworkers, family, friends, spouses, and/or the multitude of others who do indeed affect your life, but need not control it? Or will you place your faith in the loving Creator’s ability to dance with you even when the darkest decisions or circumstances created by others affect you?

God allowed humanity free will. The choices of others certainly affect you. If someone steals from you, temporarily you have less money. If someone lays you off, temporarily you have no job. If someone betrays you and leaves you, temporarily you are left with the sting and the pain. However, in the very next moment, you can choose. You can choose to give these souls your God given power, or you can turn to the loving Creator. You can say, “OK God, I don’t like this! Someone else has hurt me, but I know you are more powerful! You can see an infinite number of possible solutions. You can see more love, more abundance, more beauty and goodness than I could ever imagine. I have been affected by someone else, but I know you love me. Guide me, protect me, supply me with my needs. I trust in your love.”

Then dear ones, do your utmost to continuously remind yourself that God is God, and that while the souls of others are indeed one with this light, their personalities might be deeply disconnected. They may affect you in negative ways. But ultimately, they have no control over the outcome of your life unless you make them your God. if you place your faith, trust, and heart in the hands of the loving creator, you are already on the way to healing your life, creating an even better reality, and as you say on earth, “shaking the dust off your shoes” as you move forward.

You may be victimized, dear ones, but choose not to remain a victim.

Choose again and again and again to ask God to be your source, your supply, your guide, your friend, and above all, the dear one who is in charge of your life, your well-being, and your joy! In this reality, others can temporarily affect your lives, but they will only put their fingers in the streams of grace that flow through your life, for in truth they are powerless to disrupt its powerful and loving flow.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels

Hi Everyone,

I have been affected by the decisions of others many times in my life, as we all have. Some of you have heard this story. Years ago, I dated a man who ran off with $2000 that he owed me. I let him go but was carrying the burden of feeling like there were a million other things I needed that money for. I tried to put it behind me, but in truth was feeling lack. I went on a hike and prayed, “God how do I make more money?” Forgive your ex-boyfriend they told me. I got irate. “I’m not talking about him! I need to make more money.” They persisted until finally they lovingly but strongly told me I was making him my God. I was blaming him for my lack, instead of turning to the true source of all abundance. He may have taken from me, but I was forgetting the loving Presence of the One who could give back. They were right. I contacted him the next day and said something to the effect of, “I forgive you the debt you owe me. If you have a conscience you can explain it to God at the end of your life but I’m letting go of all ties with you.” It felt SO freeing. Surprisingly, I got a check in the mail from him the next week. I think I was the only woman he ever paid back. Additionally, God gifted me with wonderful new class ideas and blessings in so many forms.

Likewise a few years ago a dear one in my life went through a breakdown and projected quite a bit of pain onto me. For awhile I allowed it and tried to “help” but after it started affecting my health, the angels again lovingly and firmly told me to let go of the unhealthy dance. I did so. It wasn’t easy. I felt guilty for awhile. But later I heard that this soul ended up growing because of my decision, and I immediately began to feel healthy and happy once again. I could have looked back and felt victimized and upset, because in truth I deserved kinder treatment, but instead, I was able to see the pain that caused this interaction, to let go, and to turn back to God for my joy. New friendships formed, and I am happier than I’ve ever been. If God’s love leaves you in the form of one who is no longer resonant with your heart, God’s love will appear in another more perfect for who you are now. After all, whether people realize what they are made of or not, we are all the many faces of this love.

We do have choice. We can allow others to continue to affect us long after their choices are made, or we can turn to God once again and ask that this Love fix our lives, our hearts, our bodies, minds, and souls. As the angels always remind me, “Ann! God moves the stars in the heavens and turns the seasons! He can certainly manage your life.” This always makes me smile. How can we even imagine that we have to handle anything alone?

So this week, try to see where you give others your power to be happy, healthy, abundant, etc., and try to turn back to God again and again and give that power to its rightful source. Even if someone cuts you off in traffic, you can not to give away your joy. That is between you and God alone!
Have a blessed week,

I love you all,

Ann to original article
