Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 8 February 2014

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By: Ann Albers, 02/08/2014




My dear friends, we love you so very much.


There are times in your life when God and the angels are trying to love you more than you are trying to love yourselves. These times usually look frustrating to you as human beings, and yet we have the bigger picture. It is frustrating to a child that he or she cannot have candy before dinner, and yet a glorious meal and dessert may be available soon. The adults know this. The child simply says, “I am not getting my way! You don’t love me!”


Sometimes for example you want a certain relationship and nothing seems to be working out. Perhaps the divinity within is giving you time to get to know the other to see if you are as compatible as you may think. Perhaps the divinity within is giving you time to build a stable foundation for more later. You may not know. Trust. Trust you are loved. Trust that the divinity within each of you wants only the best for all.


Perhaps your finances are not so great, and you are angry. You want more money! You work harder and burn out and insist you must. Meanwhile God and the angels are whispering, “Please believe we love you enough to help you create what you need in a balanced way.” We cannot support such unloving behaviors such as working yourselves to death and burning out. No parent would say to their children, “Overwork yourself and then I’ll pay you.” The parent would say, “Find work you love and have a passion for and we’ll assist you.”


Perhaps you are ill and it seems that nothing is healing as fast as you’d like. Maybe you need rest and the light within you is giving it to you in small doses so you don’t create larger problems. Maybe you need to learn to receive and allow others to care for you. Maybe you simply need to contemplate how you got sick so you don’t repeat this in the future.


Always and forevermore dear ones, God – the light and love that lives inside out of you and in all of creation – is attempting to coordinate the entire universe in loving interactions. Embrace where you are at, even while praying for more. Embrace life. Look at it. Ask yourself what you can learn or how you can bring more love to the situation in front of you. In this reality dear ones, you are embracing truth, riding the waves of love, and entering once again into the ever-present streams of grace.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

– The Angels




Hi Everyone,


Lately I have seen so many times how what appeared to be “hardship” was really a blessing. I broke a toe, had to rest, and had the best mystical experience of my life. Furthermore I was not able to hike, coincidentally during a time when a woman was attacked less than a mile from my favorite hiking spot.


A few weeks ago I felt like staying at home on the weekend rather than driving up north which I had considered. Monday I was going to stay at home and work during my office day but I suddenly remembered I had a few errands. I got in the car and it broke down in my driveway. This was much easier than if I had broken down 100 miles from home or somewhere along the highway as would have been the case if I had driven up north. All I neeed was a quick call to a tow truck and I soon was at the repair shop where I got my office work done, enjoyed their massage chairs, and snacked. I even had time to watch some instructional videos I had been interested in. The errands got handled on the way home and the day was absolutely easy and graceful.


Last weekend the same lesson transpired. I got up ready to do more office work and discovered a few items in the yard that needed to be handled. I surrendered and actually enjoyed the work. It was a beautiful day outside, and by the time I was done, I was so energized that the office work took no time at all.


There are many times in life when life does not go my way. There were relationships in my past that I begged for. In hindsight, I am blessed they did not occur. There were times I wanted money so badly but looking back I realized I would have spent it unwisely. There were times when I had ill health and I learned some of my biggest lessons.


So now when something happens that isn’t exactly what I want, I just trust. I wanted to have my internet show all put together by now, but in truth I have barely begun doing it. The inspiration isn’t here quite yet, so I wait patiently knowing that I am learning and can share all I learn from an even greater understanding when it is God’s time.


Try this week to be patient with life – to say, “Ok, maybe I didn’t get what I wanted, but I can either change it, learn from it, or embrace it,” depending on circumstance. Whatever you do, try not to fall into the trap of feeling unloved or ignored by God, because those things are simply not true. You are loved. You are assisted. And just maybe… God really does know better than us :)))


Have a beautiful week!

Love and hugs,


