~ Ann Albers ~ Message From Ann And The Angels

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My dear friends, we love you so very much.

While this might not seem like a holiday topic, today we wish to speak to you about the tendency to compare yourselves to others. You see dear ones, we do see so many of you upon the earth at this time wishing you had what others have, feeling as if you have fallen short of the mark somehow because you can’t buy all the presents you want, you don’t yet enjoy the lifestyle you desire, haven’t yet found the means to live in your dream home, or you don’t know how to meet man/woman of your wildest dreams… and yet others do have these things.

When you find yourself coveting what others have, remember dear ones, you can have these things too. You can use the tendency to compare as an indicator that there is something you wish to create. You wish to create more abundance. You wish to create greater love. You want to live in a home that elevates your spirit. You want to sooth the world’s pains, loneliness, and ills. These are all good things! These are authentic desires. But stop there, because a jealous heart or one that compares is a heart that feels lack, unworthiness, despair and a sense of resignation. A heart filled with truth says, “Oh look at that. I am feeling jealousy. I am comparing myself with others. It is time to acknowledge my heart. It is time to create!” Stop asking why others have what you do not, and simply start creating!

Thank those who have what you do not. If they have achieved their situations in integrity, in a good way, imagine you are in their shoes. What would it feel like? Celebrate! They are showing you the way. Focus on that feeling every day. In truth you want a feeling. You think it comes from a situation or thing, but in truth you can find that feeling just by imagining you have the situation or thing you want already. Your external reality will mirror your inner one. Fill your inner reality with the life you want now, and then watch it manifest in the external world. Spend time affirming, imagining, basking in bliss in an imaginary reality where you already have what you want. The feelings you seek are there all the time. Give into them, and soon your reality will begin to shift. The universe responds always to love.

So when you find yourself saying, “Oh I wish I had what they have,” in a way that is jealous, longing, or in any way not powerful, stop. Like a child asking Santa for a present, say the very same thing in a whole different and powerful way. “Dear God, I am making a wish for what that other person has. I feel a desire in my heart. I know I am worthy of it. Please bring this to me in the right time and the right way.” And then dear ones, like a child waiting for their presents, know this Presence hears you and is going to work in your life, as long as you, like a child, Believe.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels


Hi Everyone,

in the past, I have been guilty of comparing myself to others and feeling like I didn’t measure up. I’ll never forget an exercise the angels gave me to help rid me of that tendency. They told me to make little pedestals out of wood, and to make little clay figures of everyone I put on a pedestal – everyone I thought was better, smarter, prettier, more spiritual, etc. I found that I would have had to make thousands of figures so instead I chose a few representative ones. Jesus was one of my favorites. Even the angels had to admit He was more spiritual, I thought to myself. I finally found someone I could compare myself with; someone I felt completely justified putting on a pedestal!

So, after I finished my exercise I sat there looking at all these little clay figures sitting on their pedestals, knowing the angels were trying to say, “Look these are all made of clay, the same stuff! You are all made of God’s love, the same stuff! Get it?” I got it intellectually. “But Jesus, you were so much more loving than I could ever be,” I said quietly. Suddenly and without any reason at all, the little white clay figure of Jesus that I had created flew off his pedestal and landed in front of me. It didn’t fall, it flew. I heard the angels laughing. “Stop comparing yourself with Me.” I heard. “We are ALL made of God’s love. We all have a place and a purpose, equally important.” I felt a mighty force of love surge through my being and knew that the comparisons had to stop. As one dear souls said to me years later, the legs of a table are as important as the top!

So now I do not compare myself. I am who I am. I am not the most beautiful, nor polished soul on the planet. I stumble over words in classes and sometimes down stairs. I have a nice home and a nice life but not as much as some do, more than others. I know what talents I do have and which I do not. I will have a very happy Christmas but certainly not the one portrayed by Normal Rockwell. And finally, thank you God, finally, I have reached a point in my life where all I am trying to be is me. A rose would go crazy trying to emulate a tulip and vice versa. We are here only to be who we are. So if you, like I once was, are prone to comparing yourself with others, either subtly or overtly… Stop. You are perfect as you are. You are who you are. And that is all you have to be! What a gift that is!

Have a beautiful week being sweet beautiful you!
Love you all,

