~Ann Albers~ Messages from Ann and the Angels – 2 November

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My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Each moment of your life is new, precious, and unique. It can never be recreated exactly the same way. In each moment, you get a chance to say, “Who am I now? What do I want to bring into this moment? Do I want to bring my past into my present? Do I want to create a new experience? Do I want to see what unfolds?” You get to choose, dear ones, what you bring into each special, precious, and unique “now.”

If your past was painful you can make a choice right now to focus on something better. You can say, “Yes, I remember how much something hurt me, but in this moment, no one is hurting me now. No one is in charge of my reality now except for me! Now I choose to take my attention and turn it away from the pain. I choose to love myself and be kind to myself. I choose to do something nice for myself. I choose to focus on something that uplifts my soul. I choose to focus on perhaps uplifting another’s soul. I choose to focus on anything I possibly can, however small, that is loving and kind.” And in this fashion, dear ones you build spiritual muscle. You practice turning away from habitual and ingrained memories and thoughts that do not make you feel good… now. You learn that you and you alone get to choose who and what is carried with you into each moment. You remember, that you are a NEW YOU with each and every breath you take.

Likewise, even your most positive memories cannot be recreated, but rather can be made once again, anew. When you fall in love with a person, do not expect them to be the same tomorrow. Look at them as if you see them for the first time, as if you love them for the first time. When you fall in love you look for the best in another. What if you could look for the best in each other, all beings, every day? Likewise, say you enjoy an event, a celebration, or a ritual such as eating your breakfast and drinking your coffee. See if you can recreate this experience anew every time you enjoy it by bringing the full focus of your love and attention into the present. Do not expect things or people to be the same… bring your best self to them, and then they may be even better!

Dear ones, each moment, each breath, is a gift. We know how difficult it is to overcome the human tendency to carry the past into the future, however, with practice, you can lean to create each moment, fresh and new, bringing only the love you wish to see into the present, and therefore, also into the future.

God Bless You! We love you so very much. – The Angels ——————————- MESSAGE FROM THE ANN

Hi Everyone,

Hiking taught me to see things new in each moment. I have some favorite trails up north and although I have hiked them hundreds of times, each hike is different. The forest changes from week to week and even more so with the turning of the seasons. The skies are different. The temperature is different. Trees grow, fall, and decay over the years, and new life rises up from the forest floor. The trails I love are like old friends, somewhat the same, but constantly changing. When I take the time to focus on the forest as if I have never seen it before, wonder, magic, and new treasures are always there to be seen.

Likewise I strive to relate to the people in my life as if they too are similar to what they have been but constantly changing. I have learned not to cling to who a person was yesterday but rather to dance with who they are today. Friends who were once stable and are not now sometimes leave my life. Friends who once close, suddenly become so much closer as they open up to their own hearts. Sometimes I am delighted when people I thought I knew well reveal more of what is inside of them. You can never truly know another human being except in the moment. We are always changing.

I think, as human beings, we try to cling to what is good, and we tend to carry around the pain as well. And yet this is such a huge amount of work. Life becomes far simpler when we can say, “Here I am now. Let me make it the best moment I can. Let me bring my best self to this moment.” And when I do not bring my best self, in the very next moment, I can choose again. The angels have said this many times – God does not keep score. We get to recreate ourselves any moment we choose.

Gazing with Braco has been an adventure in being present. No two experiences are ever the same. One moment I’m crying out a past life and the next I’m watching gold light stream all over the room. One moment I’m feeling my own internal resistance to allowing the energy to expand within me, and the next I’m One with the cosmos. I open up, surrender to the moment and just trust the process. I am approaching life like this more and more, as I continue to practice, and it is a blessed and beautiful experience.

So this week, if you find yourself in a moment you don’t like, ask yourself, “How can I bring more love into the next moment? How can I bring a better me into the next moment?” Watch as your life begins to change!

Have a beautiful week! I love you all… now and now and now again! Ann

www.visionsofheaven.com/ link to original article
