Anna Merkaba ~ Question of a Lifetime – What is Ascension, When will it finally happen!?

Eddie1177's picture

A reader of my blog named Robert has asked me a very interesting question that I think most of you have in the back of your mind. He asked “I have been reading several ascension blogs. Most of them have info that humanity would ascend on 21DEC 2012 and since then the dates simply kept on changing and even the so called channeled info from higher dimensional beings and ascended masters is wrong so many times. Just don’t know what to believe anymore and like so many other readers and followers I am more than frustrated to just keep waiting for a date and when nothing happens then conveniently some new date comes up and this has been going on for so long. So my question is if we are going to ascend at all then when do you think its gonna happen? If it is so difficult to give a date then is it possible to atleast give a time frame? So many people who are working as channelers and light workers, how hard can it be to just get a date?”

Based on everything that I know, and all of my encounters, private and public channelings the answer is this..
The reason that there is no date and the difficulty is that humanity as a whole is the one responsible for their own ascension times. Its not going to happen over night, every day there are slight changes and energy influxes to assist us in ascension process. However, it’s strictly on individual basis. Some of us have chosen to ascend in groups, and thus there are waves of awakened ones that will continue to go on and on for a while. If you read my channelings you will see that it is mentioned quite often, DO NOT WAIT FOR ANYTHING, start acting NOW. Live in the present reality and if you don’t like it CHANGE IT. The point of ascension is not to wait for someone to come to you and bring it to your on a silver platter, or for the ships to land. All that will happen, the ships will land eventually, of course we are not alone in this vast universe and our galactic families are nearby. BUT they are not going to ascend for you, and it’s your responsibility and yours alone.

So many are confused about ascension, and really its nothing more than finding the balance within and realizing that your EGO is not your enemy, it’s your friend you just have to keep in in balance. It’s a realization that you are not your body but your soul. Its a realization that we are all ONE and are here to learn lessons, and as such we all must FORGIVE each other and our own selves. When you finally stop running after ascension and waiting for something grand to happen, but instead allow yourself to just be in the moment and listen to your own intuition and your own heart it’s then that you are going to feel that you have ascended. You will treat yourself differently, and others around you as well. Your heart will no longer focus on the revenge but mercy and forgiveness, complete understanding and unconditional love. Your life will begin to flow as it was meant to be, and if you don’t like it you will see that you are powerful enough to change it.
So do not wait for any particular date. As I said, all of these are PORTALS that bring influxes of energy in order to help us here and assist us, with this light, the energy that is brought down to earth, opens up a lot of peoples energy gateways as well as brings DNA upgrades with it. So when you see another channeling saying that a portal has opened up, take the opportunity to allow yourself to experience the light and love that comes with it. Open your heart to this divine energy and allow your life to flow the way that you meant it to be before coming here. Wait for no one, YOU ARE your own savior and messiah. And when you realize that it is so, you will see the changes that you are seeking. In the meantime take this time to let go of everything that you have within you, let go of all the blame, let go of anger, and resentment and self pity. Allow yourself to walk into your own power, because YOU ARE truly a powerful being. Each and every single one of you are!
I hope this helps make some sense of Ascension for you. Love & Light to you all ! – Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –



Thank You

wfred's picture

Thank you for this, it does help understand what is going on.