Aquarian Age and Anti-gravitic Technology
The development of ant-gravitic craft is a feature of the Aquarian Age and the technological ability to reverse engineer recovered spacecraft from other spacefaring lifeforms.
And it is the beginning of the ability to traverse space/time and to advance the entire structure of Earth's civilization.
This development includes the interactions and the ongoing relationships with other spacefaring lifeforms.
To adjust to this new status of our human life, there is a time of its realization and its implications. And it is a great step forward to become accepting and comfortable as this new development of our human life continues through the Aquarian Age.
The Publicly Little Known Story of ET Interventions in the 20th Century
TR3-B Astra
the truth about the secret space program...
We may never know the truth about the secret space program or the unexplainable technology of our ancestors, but what we do know now isn’t making it into the history books. Join historians, researchers, and insiders as they reveal the evidence, paper trails, and testimonials that completely rewrite the history of the space race.
The ever-growing expanse of breakaway civilizations requires a vast workforce ranging from menial labor to intelligentsia. Prepare to examine the evidence and journey into a Gaia Original Series. Some people are recruited under false pretenses, some are genetically engineered, and others are outright abducted from their lives on Earth. None, however, are prepared for what they will face during their tenure inside the program. Those who have returned convey that their involvement challenged the range of human experience from the awful to the unimaginably awesome.