Archangel Gabriel's Daily Messages ~ April 11 ~April 23, 2013 Shelley Young

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Shelley's Note: Please note, these messages do not expire the day after they are posted. :) They are pertinent to the days, weeks and months ahead, and many are general spiritual guidance that would apply at any time. Please know that if you would like to read the daily messages on the day they are received, you can do so by liking Trinity Esoterics on Facebook, following us on twitter @trinityesoteric or checking our website

April 11, 2013

One of the most important tools for the enlightening human being is gratitude. Many of you are thinking that gratitude is about being polite and civilized. And while that is one aspect and we do appreciate that, gratitude is far more than that. Gratitude carries a very high, yet very grounding energy. It is a profoundly powerful tool that not only offers clear feedback to the universe, but also energetically anchors what you find desirable in your life expression. Sitting in gratitude is a potent form of meditation that is very similar to deep prayer. Like all forms of meditation, when practiced consistently, it will create tangible energetic changes to your energy bodies. Many human beings struggle with meditation. Practicing gratitude is a simple and wonderful substitute that can produce great and lasting results. So look around you. See the blessings that always exist when you have eyes that wish to see. Bask in the energies of gratitude and see it as a divine practice. When you are in the energies of deep gratitude, you will acknowledge how blessed you truly are and through that acceptance, you will absolutely magnetize a life expression that will reflect that. It is one of the most accessible and powerful tools you will ever use. ~Archangel Gabriel

April 12, 2013

We speak so often about the importance of surrender and the flow. Many human beings struggle with the act of surrender and find it difficult to work in the flow. Would you be surprised if we told you it is a skill you already had? You all practiced surrender and flow as children. As a young child, you met every new day with excitement and stayed very much in the Now. You also expressed surrender and flow through the use of imagination. Imagination IS an aspect of flow. It creates. When you are in the flow of creation you are in a space that connects you to Source. When you played with imagination as a child, you were choosing to experience laughter and joy. You also experienced your creator self. You got lost in the moment, simply enjoying living. Perhaps if you dusted off your imaginations as adults, you would find that happiness, that connectedness, that creation and change your perception of surrender and flow as being scary and hard to do, to expressing joyful abandon and embracing the Now. ~Archangel Gabriel

April 13, 2013

If you can stop and truly see yourself in your truth, you will fall madly, deeply in love with yourself. Once you do that, you will draw more love to you. Once you are part of that flow of love, you will BE love. The days of playing small are over. See your truth. Let it shine. BE. You are magnificent. ~Archangel Gabriel

April 14, 2013

Many human beings have come to the point where they completely believe they can create the life expression of their dreams. This is wonderful! However, what we are seeing in a great number of you, is that you are holding it off by believing that it will happen "one day". Dear Ones, we encourage you to start to manifest your creations in present time. Your time is NOW. Instruct your body to heal NOW. Draw your monetary resources to you NOW. Step into your authentic power, not one day, but NOW. Feel your divine partner presenting to you in the NOW. There is nothing to be gained by "one day" thinking. Why put off your health, your wellness, your happiness, your heartfelt dreams and desires? Your time is NOW, Dear Ones, because you are expressing your mastery and are ready for it to be so. ~Archangel Gabriel

April 15, 2013

When you embrace the flow of the universe, you automatically are aligned to give to others, and also to receive. The flow will take you seamlessly to those opportunities. It takes the guess work out of how to navigate your life expression because when you are embracing the flow, you are working with the universe and are assured that everything that presents is for your highest good. So, if you have issues with receiving from others, and the flow brings you something, instead of resisting, why not accept, open-heartedly? If the flow brings you to someone in need, why not give open-heartedly? You see, the flow will always keep you in the balance and appropriateness that many of you seek and have trouble finding. By embracing the movement, as it presents, you become an instrument of the universe, and will experience many opportunities to both give and receive. Surrendering to that movement supports mindful service, Dear Ones, and it is one of the great gifts of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel

April 16, 2013

Dear Ones, know that it always pains us when a human sees no other choice than to commit acts of violence on another. It matters not what the agenda of the individual or the group may be. When such events occur, there is something even bigger that happens, well beyond the actual event and immediate injuries and losses. On an individual level, it gets people to define themselves, to choose how they wish to respond. It gets people asking bigger questions. How can someone do such a thing? Are all people good or bad? It shakes people out of their slumbers, makes them more aware. On a bigger level, whenever a large scale event happens, whether it is a natural or man made event, it creates a huge out pouring of love, prayer, compassion and support that acts as a huge cleansing and energetic support to your planet. In a sense, such events give you an opportunity to see unity consciousness in action. Although there has been darkness, you see so many souls coming together, shining their light and being of service to each other, assisting others in need whether they know each other or not. So, Dear Ones, we ask you to continue to shine your light and to hold your balance and faith as the wayshowers, as the beacons you are. Don't let the dark acts of others dim your light or shift your focus away from what you wish to create. There will come a day when humanity no longer requires such contrast for self definition. ~Archangel Gabriel

April 17, 2013

When a sudden, unexpected act occurs that shakes up human beings, many respond by going into high alert. This inevitably begins the onslaught of conspiracy theories flooding to the forefront. Dear Ones, hear us when we say that you cannot create the changes you wish to see by focusing on what you do not want. Conspiracy theories make people feel disempowered, suspicious, frightened, distrustful and absolutely support an us vs them attitude which further encourages separation consciousness. Do not allow an event to shake you from your firm foundation into fear and doubt. We are not suggesting you live your lives with your heads in the sand. Acknowledge what is happening, lend your support, send prayers, light and encouragement. What we are saying is that in order to stay in your highest alignment and be the most empowered influence you can be, you must hold your balance and focus on the new Golden Age that is being born. That is the job of the wayshower, that is staying in your mastery and being of the highest service to all. It is essential that you walk your talk, not only when times are calm, but especially when there are times of crisis. ~Archangel Gabriel

April 18, 2013

Where a great deal of enlightening human beings seem to be losing their highest alignment is in the area of accepting and allowing. We ask you to start truly putting into practice acceptance. Acceptance for who you really are, acceptance for your bodies, acceptance for the fact that you truly are a beloved part of a greater whole, acceptance for the fact that so is everybody else!

You are ALL divinely perfect, each on of you, for whatever step of your paths you may be on. Trust in the universe. Trust in your guides and helpers. Trust in yourself, who is choosing to have the experiences you are having. Trust in your ability to create. By doing so, you move out of seeing things as wrong and can stay in your highest alignment.

Accepting and allowing supports healthy boundaries. It honours others on their paths and by doing so, encourages their authentic power. It celebrates others in their divinity, and supports your own flow by keeping you out of the illusion that anything is wrong.

Accepting and allowing are vital aspects of your mastery. They demonstrate faith and allow you to BE, and by doing so, support your balance. When you step out of looking for what is wrong, you are free to focus on your creations and support others with your calm, balanced knowingness.

It can be particularly difficult to stay in the energies of acceptance and allowing when times are challenging, but let us assure you that by embracing your own mastery you are supporting the entire system, and each other, far more than you could possibly imagine. ~Archangel Gabriel

April 19, 2013

Some people resist moving into their healing because they cling to their woundedness as a means of proving to another how horribly they treated them. They think if they heal, it is somehow condoning how they were treated. By continuing to wave their wounds like a flag, it is a convoluted way of attempting to make the other pay for their actions, to keep them in regret and guilt. Dear Ones, do not deny yourself the healing your soul craves! It is your ego self, the part of you that seeks to keep you small, that keeps you in this cycle of being right and making others wrong. All that does is perpetuate victim consciousness and keep you in a place of discomfort. Truly healing from those past wounds is essential for you to bloom and grow. Love yourselves enough to put your healing, your wellness, your authentic power, your ability to thrive at the top of your priorities. By doing so, you will take yourself out of the disempowered cycle of pain/blame and give yourself the opportunity to live the life of your dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel

April 20, 2013

If you had a car that operated for the entirety of your incarnation, you would consider it a miracle of engineering. That is what your physical body is. Do you spend time in appreciation of your body? We do not mean in terms of comparing it to others and measuring your worth according to ego based standards. We mean deep appreciation for the ongoing service your body provides to you every day. Has it ever occurred to you that negative self talk may be energetically attacking that vital aspect of self? You are all walking miracles, inside and out! Love your bodies as being perfect houses for your beautiful souls. Honour your vehicle by what you expose it to in all ways, whether it be your thoughts, what you ingest or breathe in. Do you support it with adequate rest and meditation? Do you experience pure joy with its movement and take it out to play? Children have a wonderful fascination with their own bodies and complete acceptance of self. Have you lost that along the way? Self love is such a vital aspect of stepping into your own mastery. You cannot love one aspect of self and dislike others. Rejoice in ALL of your facets, Dear Ones, as beautiful reflections of Source. ~Archangel Gabriel

April 21, 2013

We have spoken a great deal about the importance of gratitude as a tool to steer your flow and to anchor into your existence what you would like to experience more of. But did you realize that it is also a grounding tool? When you practice gratitude, you are fully experiencing your Now moment as it is presenting to you. You are using your conscious awareness to energetically embrace and ground in the desirable elements of your life expression. This is why we suggest using gratitude along with the flow. Because it is so grounding, it makes the flow less scary feeling to those who are new to the sensation. It creates balance in movement. Do you see? It is such an important element that is powerfully connected to the entire experience by offering its own unique energy and assistance. Gratitude allows enlightening human beings to offer the universe feedback, supports balance, is a manifestation/creation tool and keeps you grounded. The energy that it grounds is very high, very similar to prayer. Do you see? It is so much more than being polite. It is an absolutely essential element for the human beings of light. ~Archangel Gabriel

April 22, 2013

Many enlightening human beings are continuing to work on their relationship with monetary abundance. This is another level of mastery you are on earth to experience as creators of the New Earth. You have all had lifetimes of selfless service where you believed spirituality and poverty went hand in hand. You have all also experienced egotistical materialism that was used to separate the haves from the have nots, and was a false means of defining success with little to no concern for your fellow man. You are on the planet to create the new mindful model of monetary abundance - giving yourselves permission to live comfortably and have all your needs met while still holding love and concern for the whole and a clear connection to Source. It is about finding the balance between the two extremes and allowing yourselves to express yourselves as the co-creators you really are, while keeping your spiritual connectedness at the forefront of all your decisions. Mindful monetary mastery. Another wonderful discovery for the human beings of light to make, energetically anchor and lead by. ~Archangel Gabriel

April 23, 2013

Do you believe that you have wounds that cannot be healed? Do you not even bother to try because of that belief? Or do you try to live in denial of your old woundedness, trying not to look at it or acknowledge it is there. Many of you are at the stage now where you are getting down to the really old issues, the deepest, oldest issues, the really painful stuff. Dear Ones, trying to pretend it isn't there does not amount to successful healing. But looking at it with your new, far more empowered vision will allow you to acknowledge those old hurts and release them once and for all. Do not be afraid! Looking at them does not give them more power. Trying to ignore them is what continues to give them the power they do not deserve. It is quite simple. By choosing to stay stuck and not give yourself the healing you need and deserve, you become your own abuser. You are more than ready to deal with those last vestiges of your old issues. Let them go, once and for all. Free yourself. Embrace that healing, complete and total healing, is not only a possibility, it is your divine right. ~Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young
Facebook: Trinity Esoterics
Twitter: @trinityesoteric
