Arcturian Explanation Of The Latest Crop Circle ~ 28 July 2012

Lia's picture

This crop circle is from July 28th.


Jason (our Arcturian crop circle friend) says it is an expression of the divine feminine that is coming forth, that all of the patterns relating to Venus and pointing to August 4th were leading up to this.

August 4th is the date given to the cabal as the deadline to make the presence of our Galactic Family known to the World. So far, they have not kept to their agreement for disclosure, so an ultimatum was necessary.


The Divine Feminine energies arriving on the planet, and particularly with the Venus Transit on June 5/6, 2012, meant the balancing of the warlike, tyrannical masculine energies with their counterparts of love, forgiveness and compassion.

You can read more here about the significance of the Venus Transit.

Ultimately, the Divine Feminine energies would bring us the stepping down of the cabal and the surging of the love and unity consciousness shared by Humanity that will foster the New Earth and the life of cooperation and Oneness we are now heading toward.


Since the London Summer Olympics are THE place where the world is brought together physically, as well as via the various media we now enjoy—not to mention the energies of the collective consciousness flooding the grid—it would be the ideal time to usher out the epoch of the reign of tyranny and embrace and absorb the love energies that will define Humanity as we progress through Ascension.


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