Are we entering the Age of Pisces or the Age of Aquarius?

ellion's picture



Is it the Age of Aquarius or the Age of Pisces arriving?

This essay gives strong support to the latter...


Magenta. The Gateway to the Divine. The color inbetween red and violet. Well, in our versions of color, we don’t like to associate red with violet or apparently just don’t see color as a wheel which regenerates. So, we say screw magenta you are too pretty for our pallets and that’s that.


Well, if you ask me, there is enough reason to believe, that we are entering the Age of Pisces. We are not entering the Age of Aquarius, although with all the technology it may look that way. Or, i’m merely citing a small astrological miscalculation, and you should ignore me. Perhaps an Age of Aquarius is happening, and what i’m describing is actually just another reality altogether. You may ignore me if this does not fit into your reality.


Age of Aries was about War – Battle – Masculinity – Independence, the One Person. It seems obvious to me that we were in that age. Especially when it’s balance was Libra – The Female, True Love, Justice, Liberty, Truth. All those were highlighted in the background of the most recent era. Or so it seems to me.


Now , we are entering the age of Pisces. Pisces represents – true union with the divine, cosmos, divine beings, god, psycho-anything and confusion as well as chaos. It seems to me that my version of pisces is more akin to what we are experiencing right now. A divine world but one strewn with much confusion or chaos. The opposing sign which always reflects is virgo. The worker, the perfecter, service, health. These virtues are also rising in society. From this I can conclude without reasonable doubt that we are infact entering an age of Pisces, not an Age of Aquarius (And the Aquarian Age may be a conspiracy.)


Why would it be an Aquarian Conspiracy? Let me tell you. If undivine beings rule our world, they would want nothing more than to circumvent and push away the one age which they knew their power were to be truly undermined. So consider the possibility that we have been manipulated into a timeline which doesn’t fit what we really are doing. It is happening because their are evil beings who would be obliterated if the true age of pisces came into be. So, with that, I expect everyone else to research this more, and see if they can figure it out for me as well.


In the White Light of the Divine


Gregory matthew von Haesler





Every "age" must have its

grailheart magi's picture

Every "age" must have its time. The reptilians inserted  what might be seen as a diversion, or warping, a bulging away from nature. It's necessary for the experience of the originally planned Piscean timeline. Suggestion would be, though, to not imagine it as an additonal 2,000 years!  This fabulous stage can be experienced in a short time frame and is truly happening now, as well as the 4th and 5th dimensions - and all at once. It can be also an understanding of how everything truly happens at once. Imagine that you have a stretched out slinky much like a portal, or as you call it a black hole.  That slinky can be compressed by human consciousness to experience the age of the fish in shorter time than originally planned, as every moment is brand new.


Piscean - sharing love, understanding, communication, joint creation, tolerance, sensitivity, supporting another mentally and emotionally, trust, cooperation, focus on truth, balance of masculine and feminine, harmony - in 3D, with love of Gaia and all her children.


Grailheart enjoying the ride