I realised after I signed off yesterday that I really wanted to talk about my memory issues.. As the memory thing goes though I had completely forgotten hahaha and so here I am another day on and finally I remember to talk about probably the biggest change I have noticed on this journey… Memory.
I did a meditation last night and one of the things I asked my higher self was “What is going on with my memory?” I was given an image of a magnetic strip being wiped (think what happens if you put a atm card near a hotel door card).. So I understand that I am going through a period of having that which no longer serves me being wiped, but, from a 3D perspective it is really quite frustrating when I am mid conversation with someone and then for the life of me I cannot remember what the hell I was just saying lol… And I have to say this seems to be getting worse.. As an example I had a mate over for dinner the other night, I asked him a question and when he responded with the answer i looked at him like he was an alien (sorry galactic family) I then asked him why he would say that and he said .. you really don’t remember what you just asked me.. do you?.. A resounding No was the answer!! This is beginning to cause me no end of grief in my business, as you an imagine. I talk to someone on the phone and then the next day (not even) I have no idea who/ what/ when/ why or how… I feel like “Dory” from “Finding Nemo”… just keep swimming just keep swimming hahahaha
Right… what else came out in the meditation was astounding.. I was following a guided meditation from Adamus (Saint Germain) around realigning with the “I Am” presence. Beautiful, lovely flowing meditation until we came to the bit of calling back and aligning with my higher self or I Am … then BAMN suddenly 3 massive cracks went off around my house I get this huge surge of energy through my crown chakra (which is still tingling today) and pins and needles start to run down my right arm.. I hear this tone (like when you get a hearing test done and they play various tones to you) come into my left ear (so it started – or felt like it did – outside my body and slowly merged in) and a sharp sharp pain bore straight through my right hip. Thanks for the warning Saint Germain lol!!
I then had a barrage of images go through my head… My heart being trapped in a cage with the door being flung open ~ a tree of life ~ a volcano ready to pop (that was specifically meant to imply my crown … don’t know how, but it was) ~ and an image of my brain being fused together so it no longer had 2 halves.. it is one whole brain.. the image was actually like someone was welding the hemisphere’s together with the sparks flying off… Neat huh! The one resounding message (voice wise cause most of it was images) was “I AM a catalyst”
Afterward I was left with a cracking headache (again, I’d just got rid of the last one!!) and an electrical pulsing right arm. I wasn’t long out of bed then and had a dream where I was aboard ship and found myself morphing into this bird faced creature (very much like Thoth) and then going off to meet ‘the family’… Have no real recolections past that ~ other than I wondered how was I ever going to explain to my partner that I now have a face like Thoth lol… the only other remembering was being told my back is sore because in this 3D body I have to keep my wings hidden so I am not quite fitting into the space that I have…
A big thank you to ShanuaLin for commenting yesterday and raising a comment about the souls of her feet cracking.. I too have noticed the skin on my feet are very dry and cracking.. I’m wondering if this is an opening up of the feet chakra points…
It does intrigue me how I’m noticing more the ebb and flow of the energies.. Some days are quiet with no much to report then others “BAM” you being bolted with energy and tingling all over
Continuing to ride the wave with Love ~ Joy and Abundance _/\_
:) I got a big, low-ended humming in my right ear today. Still have several little cracks on the bottom of my feet and my heels.
My memory isn't all that great either. I'm so focused on the Ascension and moving into 5d, that 3d is not at the forefront of my mind anymore....
~ Enjoying the energetic waves ~