Today I woke feeling overwhelmed.. There was no logical reason for this. just a deep unshakable feeling that everything was overwhelming me… I also then realised for (maybe) the first 30 minutes upon waking I could not remember words.. A great sense of nothingness had invaded my head space and the usual chatter that I have upon waking was not there. It also meant that I could not describe to my partner what was going on and my only option left was to grunt and smile at his questions. Strangely though this did not concern me instead it felt …overwhelming. Slowly the words began to return and as I lay there listening to the latest SaLuSa channeling I began to feel more in my 3D body once again..
Once more I struggle with the notion that a week has passed since I last put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) as it feels more like a day, maybe 2 at a stretch.. But still, here I am (almost) 10 days on and wondering if maybe I have been leaving this physical body or if indeed the timelines are converging causing a further feeling of time speeding up. yet when I look at what has been done since I last wrote I realise there is much activity taking place..
Within 1 week I have started a new business which is now up and running. This in itself boggles my mind as usually the detail and the planning when looking at any business opportunity takes weeks, sometimes months just to get the data and pull everything together… Yet this thing happened within the blink of an eye, I do not know the destination or the intent of why this “thing” came barrelling into my life at the speed of light, but it did, and it’s here and it is further reminding me that things will materialise faster and faster as we speed towards our inevitable ascension.
Energy wise I have been all over the place. At the moment I am needing an afternoon nap, but finding my night time sleeps are becoming shorter with more difficulty actually getting to sleep. Sleep when it does arrive is still deep and there is much work still being done in sleep state.
My eating patterns have dramatically altered also, I’ve gone from wanting to eat everything in site to barely being hungry at all with portion sizes dropping by around 50% within this last week. I’m searching out leafy greens and while I still enjoy the concept of eating meat I found myself unable to get through more than about 2 bites of a beautifully cooked steak the other night… Accompanied by visions of the animal laying down it’s life so that I could be pushing it’s left over remains around my plate. A few years ago we made a conscious decision to only buy organic meat, fruit and veg (which I am eternally grateful for) but now I am finding if I am presented with non organic food I can taste the chemicals and impurities in the food.. It’s like a dull voice in my head compared to the chorus of sounds I get when choosing organic produce.
I’m finding it harder and harder to watch the mindless movies that I once enjoyed so much as “down time” and am finding that even if I close my physical eyes during a disturbing scene my 3rd eye gets bombarded with the images anyway which leaves me feeling battered and bruised. My main source of respite has become sitting outside with a book, sometimes reading, sometimes just staring into space… I can do this quite happily for hours
The noises of suburbia are grating on me more and more. The little suburb I live in is wonderfully leafy and filled with the beautiful song of Kookaburra’s and Lorikeets, but it is also a growing suburb, and the accompanying “Growth” noises of builders and power tools, banging and hammering, swearing and cursing is driving me to distraction… I feel like shock waves are constantly battering my auric field and it takes strength and determination to maintain my “force field” to prevent the cacophony of noises from completely ‘doing my head in’
I want so much for the people around me to ‘wake up’ to get out of the drama of their everyday lives but when I look around I see images of hamsters on tread mills and rats in mazes running too and fro forever busy while not moving ahead… I want to shake them and tell them to check out of the drama and embrace that which makes them happy… Instead I find myself going through (for what feels like) the 100th time the simple pleasures of justing ‘be ing’.. I am so over this whole 3D duality game, my patience (which was limited to begin with) just wants to see the introduction of Nesara and the ‘official’ announcement of our Galactic Family.. Instead I find I am attempting to introduce this to people in ways like “think of Star Trek” and Prime Directives etc… More than one ‘friend’ has begun to look at me a little strangely, and while I have always been the “hippie” in the group/ suburb/ corporate life the burden is getting exponentially heavier to bear.
I know I am not alone on this journey ~ I know many of you are encountering the same situations and I know somedays we are strong and some days… well… I guess it’s just one of ‘those’ days..
But I’m still here, and I’m still riding the wave with Love, with Joy and with Abundance (yes and today with a little impatience)
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Yes, I feel just like this
Yes, I feel just like this however you seem to be a little further along than I am but I totally get and understand all that you are saying. I too just want to shake those still in the rat race awake and I can imagine how the Light Beings feel not being able to interfere with our free will so all we can do is send the signs and work on ourselves first and foremost but I have been so tired lately that it takes all I have just to do what's neccessary to function but I wouldn't dare go back! Congratulations on your new business <3
There is no further along
Namaste and thank you for your comments... I was drawn to respond to you as it is greatly important to me that everybody understands that this (ascension thing) is not about who has been at it longer, or who is further ahead...
There is no further ahead my friend. Everyone is EXACTLY where they are meant to be in the now.. There is no man, woman or child who is better, or worse than you. YOU have an amazing gift to bring to this journey that nobody else can bring. You are special, you are significant and you matter.
Enjoy your journey... With Love ~ Joy and Abundance _/\_
3D - 4D is not fast enough. (;<)
I recently rode with a friend to visit a another friend who relocated further out from Asheville, NC to the Maggie Valley area. I met a few other like-minded Souls & we had a 'Soul-sharing' session for several hours around a recently created stone circle pit & fire. We gazed @ the stars & drank hot tea @ 3500' elevation & it was a very comforting therapeutic session for this Pleidian Walk-In Soul; which I shared with the group uninhibited by any judgement. I have not felt this close to my real 'home' in a very long time. I anxiously await the decloking of our Star Brothers & Sisters so that we may begin the rebuilding process of this insane, chaotic, reality. My patience has not only gone to '0'; it has fallen into the negative bandwidth & I feel totally isolated as a Spiritual Being in this fleshly spacesuit. (;<)
We will be previewing the documentary "Thrive" on our 10'x10' screen @ our Spiritual Fellowship Tuesday night & I am hoping for excellant attendance. (;>) Until more of the sleeping 'sheeple' awaken from "The Matrix"; exisitence here is just intolerable @ the moment. May the Light shine through soon. Namaste. (;>)
We're on the same ride....
Once again, thanks for posting your thoughts. It's uncanny how close your situations and thoughts are to my own. While I live in a relative small Montana town (about 40,000 people in the 'city'), I completely understand your distaste of noise. I hear at least 2-6 sirens per day pass near my home. I live in mobile home court, so there's traffic in and out at all times of the day and night. Loud vehicles, loud motorcycles and did I mention sirens??
I went to the river this morning to eat my yummy (albeit unhealthy) breakfast and was able to enjoy some serenity.
Good luck on your business venture!
Keep posting and getting it out. That's how we transmute energy, is by processing it, which is what blogging is all about (if you ask me anyway) <3
Shauna Lin
We're on the same ride
Thanks Shauna (is it Shauna or Shauna Lin??)
I enjoy reading your comments and am grateful that you feel the connection between us all.
I would love to hear a little more of your "small town" when you said 40,000 I nearly fell off my seat lol... Australia has far more land mass than people, so only in our cities do we find those kind of numbers... The suburb I'm in now would be (I'm guessing here) maybe a couple of thousand tops... and although I am only about 40 mins from the capital of QLD (Brisbane) we always have the ability here to 'get away' if we feel the need.
I hope the river did you well this morning
With Love ~ Joy and Abundance _/\_
You are not alone.
Welcome to the Club. Please take a seat and rest comfortably. We will be with you shortly.... Blessings.