Wow... How a week (and a bit) can completely turn things on it's head!
Last time I blogged things were on an upswing.. A new business opportunity had just entered my sphere and things were go go go...
Last week I went to see a healer to have some energy work done and assist me in moving on a blockage that I had had for a very long time (I wrote a whole separate blog on this, that, if you're interested feel free to read)... Well, since then I can only tell you I feel like I've been run over by a truck... which reversed back over me and ran over me again!
I am more tired in the last week and a bit than I have been in a very long time... A deep tired that no amount of sleep seems to shift... I'm tired when I wake, I'm tired throughout the day and then roll around bedtime I"m still tired!
Dreams are confusing and somewhat manic and I feel as though Depression is nipping at my heels waiting for me to stumble so it can wrap it's arms around me and draw me further into it's depths.
I ache.. all over... and while I spent a couple of days last week really angry (more like a rage than just anger) which has now given way to this overwhelming sadness... Yesterday as I was chatting to my partner I suddenly realised that I am not motivated, and nothing has motivated me for a long time... I have no goals and really don't seem to care which way the wind blows me or what happens day to day...
If I could stay in bed I probably would... I am not wanting to see people or talk to them I really just want to be left alone... My solace is in meditating, reading and very little else.
I look forward to this shadow moving on and the releasing to be complete as this really isn't fun anymore.
Riding the wave, and reminding myself it's with Love ~ Joy and Abundance
I feel exactly the same way. Do you also have crazy food cravings and bloating/weight gain? This is all becoming nearly unbearable. I wonder if the exhaustion is to facilitate deep surrender....