Pick Up Sticks
Here is a fun, yet introspective ascenion tool... for a group of friends, at least 3. Your group may be as large as 15 or so, but not too large. Use sticks at least 6 inches in length and no more than 1/8". They can be plastic or wood. At least 40 sticks is necessary for this experience.
A person is chosen or volunteers to pick up the sticks that are strewn on the floor. They should be thrown so that they overlap in an irregular fashion. The volunteer gets down on the floor and picks up a "stranded" stick, or one that is lying by itslef. This stick then has become the "flipper".
One friend either sets a stop watch or watches the clock at the begtinning and at the end.
This is a time sensitive game which has two parts:
The first part: The volunteer is clocked as (s)he used the flipper to EASILY and carefully pick up each other stick with it and without making any of the other sticks move at all. The QUIETLY watching friends determine if other sticks have been moved, and if so, the first volunteer is disqualified. You can rotate volunteers so that each person has a chance.
The second part: A volunteer is chosen just as in the first part and will be clocked again. BUT this time, as soon as the clock starts, the volunteer yells "Help!" each time (s)he wants to pick up a stick. as (s)he quickly moves the flipper pointing to various sticks to determine if that is the best one to flip over. At this point the Volunteer is not personally interested in finding the right stick to flip, the interest is in getting the friends to yell as quickly as possible, IN UNISON, which one is best to pick up. They can only yell out "yes!" or "no!". No other words are allowed.
Everyone can have their chance to pick up the sticks. At the end of the game, compare two things: 1 - what took the least amount of time, and discover if it was easier and less stressful relying on the assistance from friends.
Why is this an ascension tool?
In Western society (not indigenous) it has been taught to be only self-reliant, that to ask for others is a sign of weakness and otherwise bothersome. This is UNNATURAL.
So in this game, we visualize the difference in energy in the room, the stress level and which ways are the most fun - by ourselves or simply asking for friendly help! This game is also great for teaching kids cooperation and those with ADD/ADHD.
Please do not try to analyze the difference by just reading the process. There is always HEALING in the dynamic (motion) of an exercise.
After playing this simple stick game, you will find it much easier to ask for help... and soon, possibly for the survival of ourselves or others we may have to easily know how.
Have fun!
We love Your love,
Guardian of the 7 Sisters Wisdom Keepers