By Galactic Love Reporter Stephan Cook
The most magical, blissful moment that each and every one of us has ever witnessed, partaken of, been privy to, chosen, enjoyed, reincarnated and waited for is just three, ever-so-short months away, as of today.
Yes the Ascension train is rolling on.
“Yippee!” is all I can say (well, I can also say “hooray”, “brilliant”, “at last” and “I can’t wait”‘!).
Yep, 92 days to go, inclusive (which for those of us into numbers – adds up to that wonderful number 11!)
And I can guarantee you that things won’t be the same in three months as they are today.
In fact, they won’t be the same in a week’s time as they are today!
Here’s what I ‘know’ will happen in three months’ time
But with the Fall/Spring equinox tomorrow – or very early Sunday morning, as it is for me here in Australia – things are likely to really shake up for our world once again. And I mean “shake up”!
While the InLight radio team has already revealed that our Galactic family is here – – expect to see our star brothers and sisters take their rightful place on the world stage.
All my awakening DNA is telling me that they will finally receive favourable mainstream media coverage in a big way within just weeks – well, days are somehow more likely….
As Hatonn said via Matthew Ward’s message of September 1:
“If our making an appearance becomes pivotal to Obama keeping his position, we’ll do that in sufficient time before the election. If we see that his reelection is certain, we’ll show up soon afterwards.”
We’re also set to be feeling somewhat more relaxed about our day-to-day existence as we find the fear of financial burdens and worries are eased, by the long-awaited unveiling of the prosperity and abundance programs (NESARA).
We’re also likely to have seen all those dark and power-hungry people having been ‘contained’ – or removed, thus lightening up all our lives as we embrace all our fellow, loving humans.
New technologies will be bursting on to the scene and we will all be looking younger by the minute.
Best of all, we will know that that moment we all came here to be part of, and to experience, and to share will be upon us, our planet, Gaia, our galaxy, our universe and all the multi-universes.
How it will actually unfold for me, I don’t know (even though I am sure I do). There are enough of our regular, trusted sources and others who have given us a wide variety of theories and descriptions.
But then again I just LOVE surprises.
After all, why would I want to know what’s going to happen if I can experience every non-linear millisecond of it as it happens for the very first time without having an inner voice going ‘oh they said it would be like this” or “hmmm, now I wonder if that ‘bit’ will be next”.
Who needs that sort of background noise when the most incredible occurrence is occurring? Not this boy!
People say to me: “But Stephen, do you have a plan in case this doesn’t happen on that day; won’t you be disappointed?”
Not me. Not ever! My answer is the same every time “It will”… and that’s all I know and all I need to say. All I will ever say.
So, here’s to the next three month’s unfolding as they should – and as they will. There are no ‘what ifs” in my universe; in my Ascension plan. Only ‘wills’. Free wills.
All we ever need to know is that ‘anything is possible’ and that it will happen ‘in the blink of an eye’.
And, just as it says on the little card my dear friend Nicky in New Zealand gave me several years ago – featuring the words of Bengali-American spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy – and which I have carried in my wallet ever since: “The real destination is always ahead of us. Not behind.”
Which is why I’m really looking forward to what each and every day – and night – of the next three months brings ,as we journey together, faster and faster, to our fabulous, blissful, golden age destination.
All aboard the Ascension train, please! I’ve got my ticket.
Come tomorrow it’s just 2 months and 29 days; or 91 days (and that adds up to 10!) to Grand Central Sun Station. Roll on…
sounds great !! can't wait !!
sounds great !! can't wait !!