Ashtar on President Obama's State of the Union Address Ashtar Teleconference January 24, 2012 ~ received by Susan Leland

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 Ashtar on President Obama's State of the Union Address Ashtar Teleconference January 24, 2012 ~ received by Susan Leland


"Well greetings everyone, what a night, what a night for the world! You heard, and we wish to expand - what was said tonight by President Obama was for the world. It was for everyone to know that he knows full well where the healings need to take place, and what he is already implementing, and there is much more going on that he did not discuss.

"But the topics that he chose are the ones which have the highest degree of relevance, as far as meaning to be understood or at least acknowledged, not just by the people of United States of America, but by the World, because when he says, 'This must not go on, this must change,' he’s already got the blueprints in place. He put the lawmakers on notice. And it’s going to be very difficult for any lawmaker to answer to his or her constituents who elected him or her, if they do not rise to this occasion!

"Now that is a public kind of a presentation. You already know that many of them have already been shall we say written up - some removed, some replaced with other images, holographic or clones, and many more are to follow. But you see, now the American public has been told, and the World along with them have been told that these people have been obstructionists - and yet Obama offers the olive branch, the hand - 'Join with me let’s get it done for the people. The people are what matters, the people are the priority,' and of course by extension all of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia. And he said that to them and he stood there, after the frustrations that he has experienced, trying to get his programs done.

"Now, yes, he made some conciliatory remarks., He has no intention of turning the public lands over to the oil companies. ,But he was showing a desire to get the people to understand that he is determined to move ahead with what will benefit everyone and not just a few. He discussed the inequities in the current income tax system, knowing full well that the IRS is in the position of being ended - made no more. They are done and they know it. But what Obama wanted people to understand, is that he understands the inequities.

"He has expressed forgiveness in all areas. He has even said privately, 'Let’s get together and talk to the leaders of Iran,' but he has to maintain a public image of strength and courage in the face of adversity. After all, that is what has birthed all nations of the World. And during your lifetime, this time around, you have seen new countries come into being, and old country names disappearing and reforming of different borders. Look at the nations of Eastern Europe as an example.

"Countries and borders are actually becoming extinct in the sense that they have such different goals. It is just like the Congress, remember he was talking about that. There are differences, yes, different philosophical differences but that does not change the fact that it is time for the different ones, you might as well say the different countries within the Congress, to stop the war and come together and do what is right!!! 'Pono' in the Hawaiian language - what is right. What is just. It is time for Truth to be told, and he told a lot of Truth tonight, did he not? And it is time for everyone to remember that it is by standing together that anything of value is ever accomplished.

"How can one neighbor, for instance, go to war against the neighbor next door, and not have some kind of destruction occur. And it can be physical but it can be affecting all of the neighborhood, it can be affecting the different bodies, the different aspects of the neighbors' energy fields all around. And so Obama says, 'Let’s turn that around, we have done enough destroying, we have done enough destruction in the world!' He didn’t point fingers in an accusatory manner. He said, 'Let’s put a stop to this, let’s work together, let’s clean up this Planet. Let’s take care of our people, from the children, to the elderly, to the soldiers who will find out soon enough exactly why they were sent off to war. But Obama says, let’s honor them and let’s care for them and let’s do right by them. And we agree. He is setting the stage for all kinds of new energies, and we’ve got some nice surprises just waiting to be unveiled all over Planet Earth!

"Obama is Ambassador to the entire Planet, not just to the United States of America, but he is once more telling the World that it will be the United States of America which will lead the way, closely accompanied by the neighbors, and the countries whose leaders, well, we will just say will be getting new leadership. Because those ones are already in place and they already know what it is they are here to do! They are just waiting for the final opening of the doors, which Obama is in charge of. Disclosure, yes, very close! Nesara, yes! Notice how Obama pointed out the problems in the economic system, not just the IRS, but Wall Street, the banks. And now you see, the concepts that he included are not strange and foreign to all of those who listened.

"There is great knowledge, and he simply presented a list of all that is on the verge of changing. He did great service to the World with this speech. He did great service in that he put the World on notice. 'Yes, the United States of America knows about these things. I represent the United States of America to you, and we know these things, and we acknowledge that these things are not pono, not right,' certainly not of higher dimensionality.

"Now we will say one other thing, and this is something that is interesting. You know that those of you who have committed to making your Ascension roughly at the end of this year we will say, could be a day or two difference you know, but for most of you, you are committed to making your Ascension, and meanwhile doing everything that you can to support not only your Ascension, but others - the World! But you also know that there is another Earth, a 3D Earth. What Obama is doing is providing a legacy to help that 3D Earth to the greatest ability that he can, so that that 3D, the third dimension, can rise. That is, the consciousness of it can rise into higher dimensionality. Now, that assists not only the Ascension process, but also leaves a legacy for 3D Earth to perhaps be looking on the brighter side rather than the darker side, so that the people who choose to stay behind in third dimensional physicality will have a better Planet, even though it is 3D.

"Now this is something that we wish to point out, because this is the overview that we have. Everything is being done to support your Ascension, all of you Lightworkers, and we saw the great Lights, the great Love streaming from you to Obama and indeed to that room. And if you will notice, he did get some applause even, even from the one called Boehner. Now it’s true, Boehner wasn’t exactly leaping to his feet every two minutes or so, but he did get some applause. You see Boehner knows, Boehner knows that it is time to answer. It is time to stand up before the people and account, and take responsibility for what he and all the other dark hats have done.

"And there were some openings which took place. Did you see the one called Gaby? You could feel the Love for her. She felt it. Obama felt it, Obama shared in it and she gave her Love to Obama. And this is the kind of relationship which is starting to build. And so we want to say how much we appreciate all of you for being here with us, and all of you who watched that speech but also took it into your hearts, and with your wisdom, you knew the true meanings, the true energies that Obama was putting forth and you responded so beautifully!!! You gave him the certitude, Beloved Family you gave him - he is a great man - but you gave him even more courage, but you gave him the certitude that he is in the leadership position.

"He can come out from behind the cloak that he has had to wear, so as not to prematurely precipitate, shall we say, destructive actions on the part of the dark hats. They, after all, helped to get him into the office of President, thinking that they would have a puppet. Not only a puppet, but a puppet to kick around. It would accomplish many racist goals of theirs as well as bring the country down.

"And instead, Obama has gone behind the scenes and kept the Lights burning. In fact the Flame of Freedom has not been so well lit in the United States of America for, shall we say, years. Despite all of the ground work that was done by their predecessors and by the Shrub family and others, the Rockyfellers, the Shrubs, and yes, those across the sea who sought to influence and control.

"They’re not sitting so pretty right now, and our guest speaker* will have more on this topic but he has had a great deal to do with bringing these ones into a position of the absence of power that they once held. And yet it has been done in such a way as to inspire many, many of the people Worldwide, and it will continue to do so, more and more. Because Obama gave hope, he gave inspiration and he will continue to do so.

"He can be tough when he needs to be. That is characteristic of great, shall we say, statesmen and women. And we say that in that tone because he is more than a President, but that title, that position gives him the ability to call for the sweeping changes that he’s talking about. And of course he is talking about them because he wants the people to understand the need.

"Just picture for a moment the celebrations in the streets, cities and towns, and country lanes all across the United States and spreading from there, when NESARA is announced! And there will be very, very few at that moment who do not understand why. You see, as much as we regret that NESARA has taken so long, people need to have the knowledge about what’s been going on, so that they would have the wisdom to be joyful, to be in celebration, and to understand that they are finally free!!! And that moment is at hand. Oh yes, there will be a little fiddling and dwindling of some papers still to be, but it will not be such a long time.

"Hang in there, Beloved Ones, and start creating your blueprints of abundance, of joy, of celebration. What is it you really want to do? Connect in with yourselves and with your passions, and create your lifestyle according to that. Now what is it going to take? Well it’s going to take a coming together as One. This is what Obama was talking about. And he wasn’t just talking about putting some ideas on paper, and passing some laws and so on. He was talking about uniting as One. He was talking about Peace on Earth - honoring each other, both individually and in communities, and as nations, so that everyone could join hands and work together. This Peace is what is needed. Yes, the guns of war need to be silenced forever! But any kind of war that exists within any individual – anger, vengeance and those kinds of warlike attitudes - need to be transmuted into higher dimensional Love. And in bringing the Planet together in cooperation in identifying what is really important, and then working together to accomplish all of these changes which are so needed, and are so ready to come - it is bringing the Planet together in the Oneness, in the Love and in the Peace. And this will be accomplished within this year, and it will be announced with NESARA and Disclosure!

"And we would make a suggestion if you wish to further support everything that Obama has lain forth to do - and he does have a delightful crew, Beings of Light, of the Light, full of Light, de-Lightful, to accomplish these things that he is discussing. As a matter of fact the groundwork has already been laid, as you can well imagine. He did not stand up there and say, 'Lets get started.' He said, 'I have appointed, I have done this, I am doing that,' because these things are already well underway. And there were those in his audience who know that they are on the way out of the door of empowerment to distract or to cause any more delays in the programs, which are going forward. And it is to bring about a lasting Peace everywhere!

"And so we ask, Beloved Ones, and we shall have more information forthcoming, but we shall ask that you consider sending an email or a letter to Obama. You can express whatever you want, but the time has come not only for NESARA, not only for Disclosure, but for that which has been waiting in the wings in a higher dimensionality, but it’s time to anchor it on Planet Earth, and we are talking about a Department of Peace!!! And so we ask that you begin some writings, send them to Fran, our fabulous webmaster. She will post them. This is something that the time has come for. This is something that Obama is open to and needing to hear. This is something that many of those beings in the uniforms with all of the medals - you know they are quite decorative are they not? And this is something that they know is coming, and many of them are excited about it, believe it or not, and wanting to serve in the Peace Department which, by the way, will not be headed up by Hilary or anyone who has been the opposite of an advocate for Peace. But its time has come, and who has proposed a Department of Peace, but Beloved Dennis Kucinich, so send a copy to him. Send a copy to your legislators. It’s time. And we ask that you send this mission forward, not only by doing it yourselves - it will not take long - but by encouraging others to do so.

"Now you can mention NESARA and Disclosure if you want to. That is all perfectly well. You have already raised your voices on petitions. Well, those White House petitions didn’t go to many places, did they? But they went to Obama. He heard them, he heard your voices and he felt your energies. But you might feel more effective if you simply write a simple email, and empower it with your energies, and send it on its way. We shall be asking for reporting on this, but we know that you are anxious also to hear our guest speaker.* Well, so am I, for that matter!

"We want you to know that your loving waves of energy were actually felt Worldwide, but you were successful in sending the message to Obama that it is time for Love, it is time for everyone to come together and co-operate and co-create this fabulous Golden Age! You see a lot of people might not know the specifics of NESARA, Disclosure, the Golden Age, but they heard a lot of good information which is comfortable in 3D, and they will be much more open-hearted, and much more allowing because you, Beloved Ones, are sharing your Love with Obama and with that entire Capitol building, and with the World beyond. And so we salute you and we say, 'Well done!!! Love Beams to Obama, paving the way for Peace on Earth. Mission accomplished!' And so it is. Salut!"

*Our guest speaker was St Germain. He was followed by Sekhmet. Transcripts of their messages will follow in our next email.
