Ashtar's Preview ~ Calling Forth Truth for All
"Greetings, Beloved Family! We have accomplished much in such a relatively short time on your calendar, and yet we know that you are somewhat frustrated that there is not a great quantity of news. And, what there is in the mainstream is lacking in coherence, so that you are getting a fragment here and a hint there, but it is not tied together in the Really Big Story. In other words, it is lacking all that is going on behind the scenes, and so it leaves you to guess its significance. Finally, what you are hearing and reading on the internet is often conflicting, for a number of reasons - everything from not seeing the entirety of the elephant, to deliberate dissemination of disinformation, designed to keep you in doubt and despair.
"We assure you, Beloved Ones, that all is well on Planet Earth, and that all is indeed in Divine Order! You have called forth a successful Ascension for yourselves and all who are ready this time, and we are here to support, assist and co-create your success with you! Nothing will deter this Mission, which is consecrated by Mother/Father God, as it has been decreed by you!!! So you see, there is no room whatsoever for any doubt on your part.
"Meanwhile, there is this great in-between pre-Ascension period of time, as you measure it, when there seems to be so much to do, and so much lacking of information on what exactly is happening. Well, we ask that you remember that certain actions are, and have been taking place, to prepare the way, as it were, for you to enjoy the remainder of your 3D lifestyles in joyfully abundant ways, even as you complete your personal Preparations for your Ascensions!!!
"We shall be enjoying an update from our A&A News Team* when next we gather,** which shall be giving you additional information from the highest of sources! We shall then be calling forth the ending of the hiding of the actions taking place, whether deliberate or otherwise. Yes, we shall be engaging in the calling forth of Truth, to all of Planet Earth and beyond! All Truth needs to be in the shining Light of Love, accompanied by Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude - without any shadows of confusions, omissions or lies! Indeed, it is your very birthright to see it all published openly, and this will indeed pave the way to the next phase of your Preparations!
"We shall be joined by Sekhmet, who will lead us in another Crystal Exercise to empower Truth, and she will invite the energy of one whom she calls her sister to stand with her. We welcome you all to attend this most important Gathering, to stand with us in our Circle of Love, and to join together as One to call forth all Truth, and to anchor it everywhere on Planet Earth and beyond! Thank you for your participation, Beloved Family, for helping to make all of the miraculous changes understood and known, and we see already the success of this Mission!!! Salut!"
* Transcription will be posted asap at this link:
** Next Ashtar on the Road teleconference, Tuesday, July 24th. (See below.)
Given through Susan Leland, July 22, 2012.
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