~ By Astral Traveler~ The Solar Awakening Update

Lia's picture


Over here

Mario's picture

We have been getting chemtrails nonstop for the past 3-4days Big BIG chemtrails LOL It almost looks like the picture of the rays at the end of the video exept they are all from those jet's it's insanne never gotten this bad in a while, might be trying to hide something or get some feedback on something idk, I've been having these pains all over my body to it's not fun haha but I guess I'm allright just dont have much energy going trough ascension symptoms i guess

well g2g Namaste

Chemtrails...Over here

Ra-Raela's picture

The crap that is being sprayed in the air, can have a severe effect on the body. Respiratory problems, muscle aches, even muscle spasms, headaches, and the list goes on! It is very important that you guard your health by taking supplements that take out heavy metals from your body. Increase your vitamin C intake, eat lots of coconut oil, and take some colloidal silver! Also, ask the Galactics to neutralize the trails. You can help by sending love and the violet flame. Pull yourself up into a higher vibration through meditation and just feeling love. Send love and healing to all of the cells in your body. They are conscious and will listen to what you say and feel.  What is being done to people is criminal, and those responsible will be held accountable one day. I hope this helps! Blessings!

Thanks Ra-Raela

Mario's picture

What kind of coconut oil do you recommend do you take any, and colloidal silver I've been looking around but can not find a good site for it, I was looking to buy some, but never got it, if you got any recommendations it would be good. I've tried blue ice skate fish liver oil, that worked wonders and then chlorella and spirulina that worked great to and some hemp-oil really good stuff haha, but it's been a while since I took anything so might as well start again with all those chemtrails and get a good detox.

Namaste, Take care

Be at One

Thanks Ra-Raela

Ra-Raela's picture

When you buy coconut oil, you want to go for the slow, cold, expeller expressed kind. At the very least, cold expressed.

The more natural the better. I did some research on the colloidal silver and found a good site. I have to fish it out of my bookmark section. As soon as I find it, it will shoot it out to you. One has to be very selective, when it comes to colloidal silver. One kind can actually be harmful. In the meantime, I would go with the hemp oil. A medical doctor also recommended "Glutathion" as a heavy metal remedy. You might want to research it further, and then go to your local health food store and ask for it. Good luck in the meantime!