This week... moving to the power centre with the 'power' planet Pluto. Pluto helps you to strengthen your resolve in almost any area of your life where you feel powerless or your power is diminished.
Pluto comes is here to help you to transform your weaknesses into strengths! Go for it!
.... straight to the heart! from my heart to yours!
Pluto 3: 3rd Chakra (solar plexus)
Pluto Keyword: 'Transformation'
Colour: Yellow
Chakra Keywords: Power, Self Will
Card Keyword: 'STRENGTHEN'
*Corresponding crystal; ONYX
The power of the planet Pluto is behind you this week as you strengthen your personal power base. This is the third chakra of ‘power’ with one of the most powerful energies activating it this week.
Accept your power.
Take back your power.
Know that you have access to an unlimited source of inner-strength. The inner power you have is rising to the surface to be heard and your self-worth will experience a gentle nudge of acknowledgement.
ACTION: Look directly in the eyes of those who cross your path today and send them powerful loving energy. (This includes you! Everytime you look in the mirror this week!) Feel your inner strength and power grow. Feel your sense of worthiness and connection with all around you. You are transforming the world through your thoughts, actions and value of self.
Affirm: Look into the mirror and say...“Love is the only path to Divine Power. I am love. I am Divine Power.”