August 2 - 2012 : Prepare for the Landings (Interview)

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~August 2 - 2012




Here is an older interview with Michael Ellegion and Aurora Light that were guests on Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory back in January 2011. 


They talk about their experiences, and share their message about our Galactic Brothers and Sisters about Disclosure and the Cabal.

This information was broadcasted January 2011.


Whats interesting, is what they speak about. Whats about to come in the following 2 years (from their time, back in Jan '11).


Now, we are almost at that point in time, over a year later. 

The things told in this interview, can verify what they are speaking of, has in fact happened since, and are still happening at a rapid speed.


Michael Ellegion has full memory of his incarnation coming to Earth since birth.

He didn't have the socalled Cosmic Veil of non-remembrance of his existence like most 'humans' get before coming into their bodies.

He remembers everything.


He and Aurora talks about multiple things, one thing is about the Disclosure about the Starpeople, and that Nuclear War and so on are NOT allowed to happen, according to Cosmic Law.

They were contacted way back in the 40's, 70's and 80's.


To those who have been paying attention of all thats  been happening since late of last year, about the disempowering of the Cabal, about the arrests thats been going on, the financial change, and much more.


All the talk about various Disclosures, even the Starpeople Disclosure, people waking up to the reality that we are far from alone in this Universe, and the veil of lies are dissolving all over our planet. Our beloved Gaia.


There are still many who dwell with alot of doubts and fears. So be it. People will wake up when its their time to wake up. Let our Starfamily deal with their Disclosure.


Humans keep saying we are the ones we are waiting for. Well, that is true, but, since we all are one, aren't 'waiting' for them also the same?


They are waiting for us, and we are waiting for them, because we are connected.


The energies are increasing by the day now, and more and more are

getting the idea, that it is us that needs to grow up, take responsibility over our own bodies, eachother, earth, plants, animals and of our actions, thoughts towards collaboration with eachother, not competition with our own egos and so on.

When more of us reach this point, the vibration gets higher on Earth, so, yes, our Family are waiting for us to raise our vibrations, then they will interact. 

Keep the following in mind, there will be NO dates given towards their arrival, it causes to much confusion among humans.

Its ALL about the energies in the moment of NOW.'

Their presence will be known to mankind when they are ready, and it will just happen one day. In one way or another. Maybe just slowly deprogramming people

over the TV-sets, or by another method.





Humans need to go away from ALL DRAMA, personal, and global drama.

Be in balance, love, peace within. 

Now is the time to focus on your own Ascension.


Our Brothers and Sisters from the Stars will deal with their disclosure, we can now share and inform others on our social media's, and pick eachothers consciousness, send out the energy that we are more than ready for contact.


When Humans create an idea, or a thought, they send out a signal, an energy. So, by informing others, by freewill of course, NEVER force YOUR BELIEFS unto others by defying the Law of freewill, against their will.

Meaning, do NOT try to CONVINCE people by force. It will speed up things for Disclosure, because they will then pick this up, and Disclosure can happen much quicker.



Let the people you tell decide what to 'believe' ..

But, keep in mind, to believe, and to KNOW are two different things. Beliefs is a contruct of the mind, meaning, only a buildingblock to reach higher..once thats done, you will find out that to believe, or a selfmade beliefsystem is an illusion, built upon assumptions, insecurity, confidence and much more etc..all in order for you to grow bigger in a POSITIVE (HEART) way.


So, either you KNOW, or you don't KNOW.

Be humble.



Think less, FEEL more.

KNOW by heart.


The challenge on Earth, is the Law of freewill.

As long as we have it in this 3D world, respect that.


Again, in these times, discernment is important, because as we have been told, and heard, is that the Cabal will try all they can to spread fear, disinfo and more.


But, as this awakening keeps accelerating, it becomes easier and easier for people

to see through all the lies being served in the mainstream media, and on the internet.


If YOU are one of those that has been paying attention and are FEELING all the 

things happening, you might find it interesting, and confirming 

to listen to this show.


Keep in mind, this is almost 2 years ago.

Much of the information is pretty spot on towards whats going RIGHT NOW.


Much love, understanding, peace, light to you all.



Part 1


Part 2


Part 3



Written by Chemlin 02 Aug 2012


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