Balance - Healing on the Press - 2

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Healing on the Press - 2- What is Balance?


Balance is a term of a system of qualifying behaviors which keeps things “in check” - a design that dislikes extreme actions of an individual or group which would tend toward separation rather than unity. The need for balance shows up in every area of our lives from family relationships, labor relations, customer relations, sports activities, etc., anywhere there are people. At a higher level of understanding and consciousness, there is balance of all that is in nature and how everything relates.  There also is the balance within all parts of a human “unit” -  the body, mind, spirit, emotions, and etheric self. The following looks at balance between and among people.


Although seldom taught, the specifics of balance are necessary to the enlightened soul in order to create beautiful harmony. Awareness of one’s own abilities - being conscious that (s)he makes a difference is foundational as this individual understands the 4 directions of balance. (S)he then can choose to choose which direction is desirable both from  an appreciation of one’s own decision and a gratification that (s)he has contributed in a positive way. 


For the healer, the comprehension of balance can be instrumental toward emotional healing for another. It is the ability to guide the interaction between healer and seeker. These teachings can also be taught to the Seeker as an instrument to improve personal relationships and an increase of self-esteem and spiritual growth by offering guidance, asking questions, sharing loving actions like a hug, finding a solution to a problem through analytical thinking, or supporting an activity, such as cheerleading or personal coaching in very effective ways within the construct of balanced behaviors.


One can conclude then, that by consciously choosing to create balance is also a way of offering love - as an outcome of appropriate participation. This takes the idea of love from simply being an emotion to effective action. 


About drama:  We also create unbalanced interactions,  seemingly by “accident”... unaware of the energies we exert OR by the submission of a haphazard reaction. Drama then ensues, in the form of fear, anger, false judgments, addictions, inappropriate or harmful action to self or others, etc. In these instances it appears that there is a lack of love. But we know WE CANNOT NOT BE LOVE. WE ARE LOVE. Therefore, what makes us feel unloved can simply an outcome of inappropriate action. Where, then, do these in appropriate actions come from? Haphazard and other “unloving” reactions are based on prior experiences from this life or previous ones held at the subconscious level... which are seldom understood. Healing the subconscious is an art and science few understand and even fewer know how to perform.  That discussion will come at a later time. For now, we are just looking at interactive balance at a conscious level. 


None of the directions are good or bad. They just are. To be what is called “whole” an individual can consciously “use” each of these behavioral directions to survive, and then more effectively climb up Maslov’s ladder reaching for a goal of Self Actualization.


As a youngster we become aware of the first direction, The Controller. Controllers use either verbal or physical action for, or over, another. As a newborn, we experience them controlling our lives. Mother and father feed us, cloth us, teach us and change our diapers.  The controller overtly makes things happen taking control of a car, a boat, a business, a family, a farm, a church, etc. Control encompasses using things... a hammer, telephone, car wash, money, ideas from self or other sources.  (S)he is the one who decides what house to buy, where to go for dinner, what to charge customers, what children are allowed to watch on TV, admonishes others. In the extreme the prosletiser is a Controller and sees himself as separate, in spite of his claim to be in unity.  You can also determine who they are by their use of words, an overpowering voice and even overly strong visual presentations. There also exists the Quiet or Sucky Controller.  These are people who don't state their wishes overtly, but if a decision is made by others which does not suit them, they react in a "negative" way.


We could not live without the concept of Controller, whether as someone else without, or ourselves, within. As we will see shortly, it is the degree of control that is presented and whether this direction is in balance with the other 3 directions which will be covered next.


Suggestion:   Keep a journal of the controlling thoughts and actions you take.  Do not judge yourself.  For now, just look at your Controller direction. You might ask yourself iss it strong or weak?


Grailheart Magi