Balance - Healing on the Press - 4 Promoter
In our presentation of Balance we previously covered the first two directions: Controller and Analyzer.
Here we present the 3rd direction of Balance... Promoter. The individual who is strongest in the 3rd direction is the maker of suggestions. Sometimes (s)he is viewed as the life of the party. With unlimited imagination is usually not hesitant to express sometimes 50 ideas in a day. These people are usually not attached to others following their lead unless they also have a strong Controller in their “chart”. They are excited about life and would find it difficult to contain themselves unless their has been much pain or loss. “Lets’s do this......... how about that....... why don’t you..... you can hear their plea. They take their ideas lightly.... but if too loud or too often, others may find them annoying. A Promoter out of balance may seldom acknowledge the logic of the analyzer. Between the Controller and Promoter is where there may be friction. After all, why is the Promoter acting so clownish when the Controller knows (s)he will have her way! Promoters also can just be too much “out there” not being “in tune” with others. They make good salespeople because they are lively and know how to create interest from their own enthusiasm.
In review, a goal would be to find oneself living in the middle of the 4 directions of Balance and simply moving in and out of each as appropriate. It takes being fully conscious to be able to manuveur, yet staying in balance.