Published on Aug 1, 2012 by TheCoop30301
Insanity make viral WTF is going on man !
Many of the freedoms we enjoy here in the U.S. are quickly eroding as the nation transforms from the land of the free into the land of the enslaved, but what I'm about to share with you takes the assault on our freedoms to a whole new level. You may not be aware of this, but many Western states, including Utah, Washington and Colorado, have long outlawed individuals from collecting rainwater on their own properties because, according to officials, that rain belongs to someone else.
Fight back against enslavement
As long as people believe their rights stem from the government (and not the other way around), they will always be enslaved. And whatever rights and freedoms we think we still have will be quickly eroded by a system of bureaucratic power that seeks only to expand its control.
Because the same argument that's now being used to restrict rainwater collection could, of course, be used to declare that you have no right to the air you breathe, either. After all, governments could declare that air to be somebody else's air, and then they could charge you an "air tax" or an "air royalty" and demand you pay money for every breath that keeps you alive.
Think it couldn't happen? Just give it time. The government already claims it owns your land and house, effectively. If you really think you own your home, just stop paying property taxes and see how long you still "own" it. Your county or city will seize it and then sell it to pay off your "tax debt." That proves who really owns it in the first place... and it's not you!
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This is 2012 and those
This is 2012 and those elected parasites and their political appointee sub-parasites have forgotten they are there by WE THE PEOPLE. That kind of bs is unconstitutional. As this year ensues their time of corruption, greed, corporate pandering, and power mongering draws to a close. The new paradigm is AN ACT OF GOD that NOONE can stop. They have become a menace to the health and welfare of those whom they have sworn an oath to protect.